Visual Studio Live! Contest Giveaway

Zombie Challenge Contest image
There’s still one more day to put your name in the hat to win a free LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Developer Toolkit by submitting your Zombie Survival Programming App. In case you haven’t seen our posts before, here’s the official description one last time:

There’s an app for everything, right? What programming app would you create if zombies started running around? How would you use your coding skills to help you survive? In conjunction with Visual Studio Live! / Live! 360, LEADTOOLS is giving away a Document Imaging SDK ($2,495 value) to a lucky Zombie Survival app challenge participant!
Post your app solution in the challenge ( to participate but better hurry — the contest ends on November 30th! The most liked solution wins the Document Imaging SDK.

Winner will be announced on November 30th, notified by email and needs to be present at Visual Studio Live! / Live! 360.

Enter the Challenge here:

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Free LEADTOOLS Image Processor App Available in the Windows Store

LEADTOOLS Image Processor Screenshot
LEADTOOLS is in the Windows Store! Our hard-working support and engineering departments teamed up and created a free application for your Windows 8 tablet or desktop. The LEADTOOLS Image Processor showcases its new WinRT SDK and provides LEAD’s award-winning imaging technology to the masses!

  • Integrates with your device’s camera and the Windows 8 picture and document libraries
  • Load, convert and save more than 100 image formats
  • Interactive image viewers
  • Over 200 advanced Image processing functions
Download and check out this free app for your Windows 8 computer or device, we hope you like it!

For the Software Developers

If this end-user application has you itching for more, you can get the source code to this demo within the main LEADTOOLS evaluation. There is a also lot more to LEADTOOLS than what’s in the LEADTOOLS Image Processor app including additional formats, Annotations, OCR, Barcode, PDF, DICOM and more. In fact, you might just see an OCR app from us in the Windows Store in the near future!

Otis Goodwin

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WinRT OCR Example on CodeProject

With the recent release of Windows 8 and our WinRT SDK, I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to put together a simple how-to demonstrating one of LEADTOOLS’ most popular features: OCR. Optical Character Recognition is used in a variety of applications including document archival systems, check processing, form processing, healthcare, test scoring, and pretty much anything else you can think of that needs to extract text from images. LEADTOOLS native WinRT libraries not only make developing these apps for the Windows Store a reality, but create them in far less time.

If you have used LEADTOOLS OCR functionality in the past, you will be happy to hear that the WinRT version of our SDK was designed to mimic the architecture of our existing .NET toolkit. In other words, current users porting their applications to WinRT can reuse 100% of their LEADTOOLS code with little or no modification. For new users, LEADTOOLS WinRT is easy to use, and includes all the features you need to create powerful Windows Store applications. Jump over to our latest CodeProject article where I show you just how easy it is to convert virtually any image into searchable PDF/A and raw text using LEADTOOLS WinRT SDK.

Otis Goodwin

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Are You Ready for Windows 8 and WinRT? LEADTOOLS Is!

If you haven’t heard the news, Microsoft is releasing Windows 8 tomorrow! All of us at LEAD Technologies are very excited about this release both from a nerdy, technology-loving standpiont but more importantly, from a product standpoint. We’ve been talking about our beta program for the new LEADTOOLS WinRT toolkit the past month and a half and we’re happy to say that it was a huge success. After getting feedback from many customers from all over the world, it’s been proven stable and ready for commercial development.

The LEADTOOLS WinRT Module is available as an add-on to any LEADTOOLS Document or Medical SDK, and will be available for evaluation or purchase tomorrow alongside Microsoft’s release of Windows 8.

LEADTOOLS WinRT Technology

Native WinRT Imaging Technology

  • Native WinRT binaries for Win32, x64 and ARM
  • Develop Windows Store applications that target any Windows 8 desktop, tablet or mobile device
  • Load, convert and save more than 150 image formats
  • Over 200 Image processing functions for enhancing, correcting and manipulating images
  • OCR to convert images to searchable PDF, PDF/A and TXT
  • Barcode reading and writing for QR, PDF417, DataMatrix, UPC/EAN and more
  • Read, write and edit DICOM Data Sets
  • Use DICOM Communication to create native WinRT PACS clients
  • Interoperability between the LEADTOOLS RasterImage object and WinRT ImageSource or WritableBitmap objects
LEADTOOLS WinRT Viewer in Expression Blend

Image Viewers Specifically Designed for Windows Store Apps

  • High level, interactive image viewer controls developed specifically for WinRT and Windows Store apps
  • Compatible with Expression Blend
  • Provide a rich user experience with mouse and multi-touch enabled interactive modes
    • Pan
    • Scale
    • Zoom to Rectangle
    • Center at Point
    • Magnifying Glass
    • Pinch and Zoom
  • Display images based on physical and logical units
  • Automatically scale images to fit, fit width and stretch to the control size
  • Quickly process images using built-in image manipulation
    • Rotate
    • Flip
    • Resize/Scale
  • Comprehensive Annotation and Markup including geometric shapes, sticky note, redact, highlight and rubber stamp
  • DICOM compatible viewer with Window Leveling and DICOM Annotations
Otis Goodwin

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WinRT Beta Program Updates

WinRT Technology
Last month, LEAD Technologies announced a beta trial program for its up and coming LEADTOOLS WinRT Module. This new product will be available as an add-on to any SDK in the document and medical product lines.

Since the initial release of the beta, many new features have been added including support for loading, saving, modifying and displaying DICOM Data Sets and additional file formats. The beta is still open and going strong, so take the opportunity to get a head start on writing the most powerful and compelling imaging applications Windows 8 will ever see!

Features Currently Included in the Beta

  • 150+ Formats including
    • PDF & PDF/A
    • JPEG2000
    • TIFF
    • FAX
  • Viewer Controls
    • Mouse and multi-touch input
    • Interactive modes including Pan, Scale, Pinch & Zoom, Magnifying Glass
  • Image Processing
  • Full DICOM Data Set Support
    • Read, Write and Edit any DICOM Data Set file
    • Window Level 8-16 bit extended grayscale images
    • Display Signed and Unsigned image data
    • Search, create, delete and modify any element or module in a DICOM data set
  • Convert LEADTOOLS RasterImage to / from WinRT WritableBitmap
More features are continually being added with OCR, Barcode, Annotations, PACS and more on the way. To download the beta and stay up to date on the features as they get added, click here.

LEADTOOLS WinRT Example on CodeProject

LEAD is providing even more opportunities for you to get ahead of the game by writing a tutorial on The CodeProject: Image Enabled Windows Store Applications with LEADTOOLS. This example implements the basic foundations of any image enabled application in only a few lines of code with LEADTOOLS’ fully-featured, high level and programmer friendly controls and classes.

UPDATE: The LEADTOOLS WinRT SDK released October 26th alongside Windows 8

Otis Goodwin

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