New HTML5 Zero Footprint DICOM Viewer Enhancements

HTML5 DICOM Viewer Series Layout with multiple cells and Timeline
It’s been a busy week here at LEAD Technologies. After releasing a beta program for our new WinRT SDK last Thursday, we have another major product update announcement regarding our HTML5 Zero Footprint DICOM Viewer.

The HTML5 Medical Viewer keeps getting better and better. The addition configurable layouts for multiple studies and series is the most impressive addition from this update. Combined with DICOM Cine, Waveform, drag and drop and a study timeline, the LEADTOOLS HTML5 Viewer is the most sophisticated and fully-featured zero footprint medical viewer on the market.

  • View one or more studies using various study viewer layouts
  • Custom series level and study level layout options
  • Load and Save DICOM Annotations (Softcopy Presentation State and Compound Graphic Object)
  • DICOM Cine
  • Display DICOM Waveform data
  • Study timeline
  • Drag and Drop support for image series
  • Automated Patient Orientation
  • Apply image processing and manipulation to a single frame or entire series
  • New image processing and annotation features
  • Extended options for users, roles and permissions
And of course, all of this works flawlessly on any desktop, tablet and mobile device that supports HTML5. There are many more features than I could list here and I would suggest checking them out with our live online demo!

Otis Goodwin

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WinRT Beta Program

WinRT Imaging SDK
Today I have some truly exciting news. We’ve started a free beta program for our up and coming WinRT SDK! If you’ve been considering making the leap into developing imaging enabled Windows Store applications, this presents a tremendous opportunity to get a first look at what the world’s leading imaging SDK provider is going to offer.

Currently, the beta program includes everything developers need to build imaging enabled Windows Store applications including file format support, PDF & PDF/A, viewer controls and image processing. The viewer controls work seamlessly with the new Windows Store application style and feature multi-touch input and interactive modes such as Pan, Scale, Pinch & Zoom and Magnifying Glass. Developers using native WinRT features can also take advantage of conversion utilities to convert between the LEADTOOLS RasterImage and WinRT WritableBitmap objects.

LEAD will continue adding new features such as OCR, Barcode, Annotations and more with beta participants getting the first look. The beta program will conclude with the official release of the LEADTOOLS WinRT Module which will be concurrent with Windows 8. To learn more about the beta program and how to get involved, please visit the official LEADTOOLS WinRT Beta Program page.

UPDATE: The LEADTOOLS WinRT SDK released October 26th alongside Windows 8

Otis Goodwin

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New Medical Viewer Article on CodeProject

Medical Imaging applications involving the display of DICOM images are more complicated than what first meets the eye. Of course, there are countless ways to simply display images, but your clients in the healthcare profession expect and demand certain specifications and features from the application you develop for them, especially as it pertains to viewing DICOM images.

Check out our latest article on CodeProject to see why LEADTOOLS is by far the best choice for displaying DICOM images due to its comprehensive feature set and ease of use. In this article you will see the essential steps of creating a fully-featured DICOM viewer application as well as an advanced example showing how to implement Fusion.

Otis Goodwin

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Desktop Medical Viewer Control Updates

Last week I talked about some of the features still to come in the HTML5 Medical Viewer control. We’ve been talking a lot about HTML5 recently, but today I want to shift gears a little bit and talk about the recent updates to the Medical Viewer control for desktop applications written in C/C++ and .NET.

The recent update to 17.5 added a lot of features, but there is some really cool stuff for medical imaging developers creating classic PACS workstation and DICOM viewing applications. Here’s the list of features from our press materials and I’ll highlight some of the big ones below:
  • Improved annotation support including multi-select, lock object, events and more
  • Single action can now be assigned to multiple buttons
  • Ability to use Magnify Glass without clicking mouse button
  • Optimized stack operation
  • Dramatically decreased image load times
  • Probe tool enhancements including signed image and custom text support
  • New display features and usability enhancements
    • Owner draw Spy Glass
    • PET-CT Fusion display
    • Snap ruler
    • Dynamic zoom which maintains visibility of a region of interest
    • Customizable origin for zoom operations
    • Auto apply DICOM Photometric Interpretation
    • Custom LUT support for Window Level
  • Cine playback features including frames per second and window level
  • Programmatically control window level, image offset and viewer splitters

PET/CT Fusion

PET / CT Fusion Example
We received a lot of requests regarding PET/CT Fusion. Fusion is a process of displaying two or more images of different modalities together, most often PET and CT. This technique is useful because it creates a more accurate anatomical context where you can see multiple tissue types and body parts together at the same time. Technically, it was already possible with our vast array of image processing functions which can combine images together, but it was fairly complicated due to the 8-16 extended grayscale pixel data, transparency and other properties required for a high quality fusion image that is actually helpful to medical practitioners. Therefore, we took it upon ourselves to automate the process with customization options that make it simple to add to any DICOM Viewing application.

Owner draw Spy Glass

Owner Draw Spy Glass Screenshot
The owner draw spy glass idea came from customers wanting more from the magnify glass. What our engineers have done here is created a new built-in action and the sends a copy of the image through the event which gives users the freedom to do whatever they want. Most often, customers will want to show some kind of image processing effect, different window level values, overlay text or any combination of such examples.

Auto apply DICOM Photometric Interpretation

The Photometric Interpretation DICOM tag (0028,0004) dictates how the pixel data is to be interpreted. Most commonly its value is either MONOCHROME1 or MONOCHROME2 but can also indicate RGB color spaces as well. In the case of 8-16 bit extended grayscale image data, MONOCHROME1 and MONOCHROME2 inform what color shades the pixel intensities represent (i.e. low=bright/high=dark or low=dark/high=bright respectively). This is a commonly overlooked tag when displaying DICOM images and can result in an images colors being unexpectedly inverted. To make our customers’ jobs easier, our image viewer control now parses the DICOM data set, looks for the Photometric Interpretation tag (and other related tags) and sets all the necessary properties in the viewer so that the image will display perfectly every time.

Otis Goodwin

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Cine Screenshot
In a previous post I bragged on our customers and the amount of feedback we’ve received since our initial HTML5 release. I can’t reiterate how much our support, engineering and marketing departments love this kind of stuff. When we have an opportunity to both add to our product and fulfill specific customer requests, we are ecstatic.

Even with the release earlier this week there is still more planned for LEADTOOLS 17.5’s HTML5 SDK, and DICOM Cine support is one of our favorites. Cine is one of the most popular and essential diagnostic tools for digital radiology as well as other clinical areas such as cardiology, OBGYN, Oncology, Radiotherapy and so on. In short, it’s a set of related image frames which are sequentially ordered and share common properties. Most commonly it is used with stills captured at specific time intervals to create a video (e.g. ultrasound) but can also be useful with stacked series of images (e.g. CT, MRI, etc).

Due to the processing power needed to play back large image frames at up to 60 frames per second, Cine has typically been reserved for desktop applications. However, mobile devices and tablets are growing in both speed and popularity so the greater flexibility and ease of development afforded by zero footprint web applications is now a reality. By adding Cine to our already immensely powerful, practical and programmer friendly HTML5 SDK, our customers can be well on their way to making compelling, real-world zero footprint DICOM applications.

List of Cine Playback Features Coming Soon to the LEADTOOLS HTML5 Zero Footprint Viewer:
  • Standard Cine controls: Play, Pause, First/Previous/Next/Last Frame
  • Playback rate control
  • Forward, reverse or random playback sequencing
  • Looping and Repeating
  • Window Level during Cine playback
In addition to releasing this and several other features soon, my support crew is working hard on creating a new training video showing off the new DICOM Cine feature. So keep your eyes peeled for more updates on this subject!

Otis Goodwin

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