As part of the LEAD Technologies 25th anniversary, we are creating 25 projects in 25 days to celebrate LEAD's depth of features and ease of use. Today's project comes from Aaron.
What it Does
This project converts images to searchable image-over-text PDF files with metadata using LEADTOOLS Version 19.
Features Used
Development Progress Journal
Hello, my name is Aaron and I am going to write a C# WinForms application that converts all types of files to searchable PDF files. The application will include using the image over text property and adding metadata to the output PDF.
I have finished creating the main user interface for the application. This took me about an hour to complete.
I am now going to begin implementing our Advantage OCR Engine to recognize the document so I can save it as a searchable PDF file.
Documentation: IOcrEngineI have now completed implementing the Advantage OCR Engine and the application will now convert files to searchable PDF files without the added features. This took me about an hour to complete including the debugging process.
I will now begin implementing the feature for saving the PDF file with the image over text property.
Documentation: Image Over TextI have now completed the saving with image over text feature. This took about fifteen minutes to complete.
I will now begin implementing the feature to add metadata to the output PDF file.
Documentation: PdfDocumentOptionsI have now completed implementing the feature to add metadata to the output PDF file. This took me about an hour to complete including the time it took to create the popup form to take in the user's desired metadata.
It has taken me a total of three and a half hours total so far. I will now begin to do some testing.
I have now finished fixes for some bugs that were found in my application and commenting my code for easier reading. This took me around an hour to complete. My application is now ready to deploy.
It took me a total of five and a half hours to complete my application from beginning to end. Without LEADTOOLS this would have taken me weeks or even months to complete.
Download the Project
The source code for this sample project can be downloaded from here. To run the project, extract it to the C:\LEADTOOLS 19\Examples\DotNet\CS directory.