LEAD to Showcase Upcoming LEADTOOLS Version 20 at RSNA

Posted on 2017-10-13 17:31:28 by Katie

RSNA-2017-Logo-with-Dates (1)

As always, LEAD will be exhibiting this year at the RSNA Annual Meeting in Chicago. The theme of RSNA 2017, Explore. Invent. Transform, invites attendees to investigate and advance radiology through innovation as a means of creating positive impact on patient care. Our entire product line will be on display and available to demo at the meeting, with a special focus on our Medical & Document Imaging technologies and upcoming major version release.

RSNA 2017
November 26 - December 1, 2017
McCormick Place
Chicago, IL
Hall B, Booth #7708

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LEAD Technologies is a Proud Partner in National Health IT Week

Posted on 2017-08-07 by Gabriel Smith


This October, LEAD Technologies is once again proud to be a partner of National Health IT Week in the advancement of health information technology to help improve healthcare. National Health IT (NHIT) Week is a nationwide awareness week focused on the value of health IT. Each year, NHIT Week Partners educate industry and policy stakeholders on the value of health IT for the US healthcare system.

Comprehensive health care reform is not possible without system-wide adoption of health information technology, which improves the quality of healthcare delivery, increases patient safety, decreases medical errors, and strengthens the interaction between patients and healthcare providers. LEAD will join together with the other hundreds of companies around the country to celebrate progress and add to the conversation of how Health Information Technology is growing and improving people’s health.

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Speed and Accuracy Optimizations for LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging Technologies

Posted on 2017-07-18 17:20:07 by Greg

LEAD keeps pushing the limits with LEADTOOLS Version 19 and has released another update full of speed and accuracy optimizations throughout the product line. Though speed and accuracy is a major theme throughout this update, it isn't the only notable improvement. Many completely new features, tools, and support for new specifications are also included. Check out the list below for the full run-down on what our LEADTOOLS developers have been up to, making sure you have the world's leading imaging SDK at your fingertips.

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LEADTOOLS Update Released for Document and Medical Features, plus Visual Studio 2017 Compatibility!

Posted on 2017-03-07 09:29:27 by Greg

Today, we uploaded a new setup with some fantastic new features and improvements to LEADTOOLS Version 19. With a heavy focus on Document and Medical technologies, some of these features are unprecedented for the commercial SDK marketplace. Also, some speed improvements are approaching the 10x faster mark! Here are some of the major updates to pique your interest:

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DICOM Storage Server - New Features Coming Q1 2017

Posted on 2017-01-04 08:33:28 by Greg

Coming soon in v19

Let's continue our introduction of the upcoming updates to LEADTOOLS V19 Document and Medical technologies. These updates will include a market-first DICOM Hanging Protocol implementation as well as the fastest Forms Recognition and Processing engine in the world! Additionally, the upcoming update includes new features for the HTML5 Zero-footprint Medical Web Viewer, DICOM Storage Server, Recognition Engines, Document Viewer, Document Formats, Linux, and Credit Card Reader.

Today's post is about the new features coming to the LEADTOOLS DICOM Storage Server:

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