HTML5 Zero-footprint Medical Web Viewer - New Features and Enhancements Coming Q1 2017

Posted on 2016-12-30 17:09:26 by Katie

Coming soon in v19

Today, we continue our weekly introduction of the upcoming updates to LEADTOOLS V19 Document and Medical technologies. These updates will include a market-first DICOM Hanging Protocol implementation as well as the fastest Form Recognition and Processing engine in the world! Additionally, the upcoming update includes new features for the HTML5 Zero-footprint Medical Web Viewer, DICOM Storage Server, Recognition Engines, Document Viewer, Document Formats, Linux, and Credit Card Reader.

Today's post is about the new features and enhancements coming to the LEADTOOLS HTML5 Zero-footprint Medical Web Viewer:

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DICOM Hanging Protocol and More Coming in Q1 2017

Posted on 2016-12-29 12:06:28 by Gabriel Smith

Coming soon in v19

2017 is already shaping up to be a great year as LEADTOOLS has a lot of exciting features and enhancements to share. Today we're going to introduce to you some of the upcoming updates to LEADTOOLS V19 Document and Medical technologies that will continue to keep LEADTOOLS as the most comprehensive SDK in the market. These updates will include a market-first DICOM Hanging Protocol implementation as well as the fastest Form Recognition and Processing engine in the world! Additionally, the upcoming update includes new features for the HTML5 Zero-footprint Medical Web Viewer, DICOM Storage Server, Recognition Engines, Document Viewer, Document Formats, Linux, and Credit Card Reader.

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How to Load a DICOM File From a Byte Array

Posted on 2016-10-07 10:48:09 by Greg

More often than not, DICOM files are loaded from a location on disk due to the size and complexity of the files. However, no environment and scenario is the same and we periodically get requests regarding how to load DICOM files from memory, more specifically a byte[] rather than a Stream. Due to the way that .NET garbage collection works we must use a .NET GCHandle object when passing an IntPtr to the overloaded DicomDataSet.Load function.

private byte[] loadedFile; // byte array for DICOM file from database, server, etc.
private DicomDataSet dicomDS;
private DicomElement element;

// Pin object so it is not garbage collected before work is done.
GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(loadedFile);

// Load DicomDS from byte[] using IntPtr of array.
dicomDS.Load(Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(loadedFile, 0),
   loadedFile.Length, DicomDataSetFlags.None);

// Unpin object.

// Get image from DicomDS.
element = dicomDS.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.PixelData, true);
rasterImageViewer1.Image = dicomDS.GetImage(element, 0, 0,
   Leadtools.RasterByteOrder.Gray, DicomGetImageFlags.None);

To download the entire C# example project for versions 17.5 and 18, check out this forum post.

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Major Update for LEADTOOLS 17.5 Released!

Posted on 2016-10-07 10:44:08 by Greg

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Posted on 2016-10-07 10:43:36 by Greg

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