Tag Archives: .NET Framework

New White Paper: Forms Recognition Implementation Strategies for Large Enterprises

Forms Recognition and Processing has continued to be an intense area of interest from our customers looking for in-depth solutions to their unique scenarios. Some of the most recent inquiries have revolved around what to do when your company uses … Continue reading

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New White Paper: Creating and Processing OMR Forms with LEADTOOLS

We have continued our recent series of white papers on ways to use LEADTOOLS Document Imaging technology to conquer real-world application development scenarios. Today’s white paper covers yet another aspect of Forms Recognition and shows how to use LEADTOOLS to … Continue reading

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New White Paper: Automatically Classify Scanned Documents using LEADTOOLS Forms Recognition

Today we have released a new white paper which explains in great detail how to use our Forms Recognition and Processing to automatically classify a folder of documents. It describes a common problem where time and energy is lost through … Continue reading

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Online Documentation Enhancements

Screenshot of new .NET webhelp Some of you may have noticed already, but our web-based .NET documentation has gone through a major renovation and upgrade. Our documentation team has been collecting feedback and requests for a while and had a … Continue reading

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New White Paper: Using LEADTOOLS OCR to Enhance Google Drive Search

Back by popular demand are LEAD white papers! There are many ways that we here at LEAD get the word out on how to use LEADTOOLS to create real-world solutions including this blog, CodeProject articles, support forums, code tips and … Continue reading

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