Faster OCR for Apple and Android - Plus Some Exciting Platform-Specific Updates

Posted on 2017-01-25 15:28:50 by Greg

The LEADTOOLS Imaging SDK for iOS, macOS, and Android had a significant update recently! Across the board, the OCR engine has been made 3-6x faster and the demo UI was given a significant redesign. In addition, each platform has its own set of platform-specific updates.


  • Barcode demo code was rewritten, resulting in a much faster implementation
  • Added support for android.hardware.camera2, which means live capture support for all modern devices


  • ALL libraries are now dynamic
  • Updated interface for better Swift compatibility

If you want to try the latest version, you can download from here. Additionally, we have various sample applications on the App Store and Google Play available as well.

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Enhancements to OCR, Forms & OMR and New Composite Barcode Recognition

Posted on 2016-12-30 17:13:21 by Katie

Coming soon in v19

One-by-one we've been introducing some of the upcoming updates to LEADTOOLS V19 Document and Medical technologies. These updates will include a market-first DICOM Hanging Protocol implementation as well as the fastest Form Recognition and Processing engine in the world! Additionally, the upcoming update includes new features for the HTML5 Zero-footprint Medical Web Viewer, DICOM Storage Server, Recognition Engines, Document Viewer, Document Formats, Linux, and Credit Card Reader.

This post is about the new features coming to the various LEADTOOLS recognition engines:

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LEADTOOLS Wins 3 Visual Studio Magazine's 2016 Reader's Choice Awards

Posted on 2016-12-21 14:24:43 by Greg

2016 VSM RCA Medals

Visual Studio Magazine today announced the winners of its 23rd annual Reader's Choice Awards. The 2016 winners are chosen by the readers of Visual Studio Magazine and honor the best Visual Studio- and .NET Framework-related tools and services in 36 categories.

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LEADTOOLS OCR in Meteor and Bootstrap: 25 Projects in 25 Days

Posted on 2016-12-16 16:42:36 by Greg

Meteor OCR Demo Screenshot Meteor OCR Demo Screenshot Text from GIF Meteor OCR Demo Screenshot Text from JPEG As part of the LEAD Technologies 25th anniversary, we are creating 25 projects in 25 days to celebrate LEAD's depth of features and ease of use. Today's project comes from Nathan.

What it Does

This HTML5/JavaScript web application shows how using LEADTOOLS Version 19 can be integrated with other web platforms such as Meteor and Bootstrap.

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Simplified ASP.NET Web Forms OCR Demo

Posted on 2016-12-16 14:41:05 by Greg

HTML5 is certainly the way of the future, but as many web developers know, adoption can be slow. In many cases, older browsers such as IE8 is still in use enterprise-wide and a lightweight, feature packed solution is still required. LEADTOOLS pioneered lightweight ASP.NET Web Forms imaging years ago and is still a popular choice. Though not as flashy and responsive as HTML5, the heavy-lifting jobs such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR) are still done on the server side.

In the following example, you'll see how to add OCR functionality and image display into your ASP.NET Web Forms application.

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