As part of the LEAD Technologies 25th anniversary, we are creating 25 projects in 25 days to celebrate LEAD's depth of features and ease of use. Today's project comes from SUPPORT GUY NAME.
What is Does
This ...... using LEADTOOLS Version 19.
Posted on 2015-04-01 14:26:28 by Greg
As part of the LEAD Technologies 25th anniversary, we are creating 25 projects in 25 days to celebrate LEAD's depth of features and ease of use. Today's project comes from SUPPORT GUY NAME.
This ...... using LEADTOOLS Version 19.
Posted on 2014-08-28 16:15:26 by Greg
This month we're going back to the basics! Many of our white papers dive into very specific topics and use-cases. We've recently seen an uptick of interest in our core DICOM functionality and have therefore waded into that set of features in this white paper. Boiled down, DICOM is about loading, displaying, modifying and using medical images and its metadata.
Though this is about the "basics" of using DICOM in LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging SDKs, there's hardly anything basic about DICOM so it's all relative. The DICOM specifications are thousands of pages long and we have several experts in house that devote nearly all of their time towards implementing this ever changing imaging format and communications protocol. In typical LEADTOOLS fashion, our experts have exposed that functionality to you in an easy-to-use, yet lacking-nothing-in-features interface on multiple platforms.
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