ProcessFlags property (LEADDlgImgDoc Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi 4.0 example


Builder Syntax

L_UINT32 ProcessFlags

Delphi Syntax

ProcessFlags: L_UINT32


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs.


Gets or sets the processing flags for the Document clean up dialog boxes.

This property is associated with the following dialog boxes:

Smooth dialog box

In this case it represents the processing flags for the Smooth dialog box. Flags may be combined using a bitwise OR (|). Possible values are:






For each bump or nick found by the Smooth dialog the removed bump or nick is added to an internal single region. When the Smooth dialog ends, either the DocCleanBitmap or the DocCleanRgn properties will reference a region that contains all the removed bumps or nicks. If SMOOTH_LEAD_REGION is also set, the DocCleanBitmap will be updated with a bitmap that has a LEAD region that contains all the removed bumps or nicks. If SMOOTH_LEAD_REGION is not set, the DocCleanRgn property is set to a Windows region that contains all the removed nicks or bumps. When the region (either LEAD or Windows) is no longer needed, it must be destroyed.



When the Smooth dialog ends, the DocCleanBitmap property is updated with a copy of the bitmap that also contains a region with all the removed bumps or nicks. This flag must be used in conjunction with SMOOTH_SINGLE_REGION. To use this flag set ProcessFlags to SMOOTH_SINGLE_REGION | SMOOTH_LEAD_REGION. The DocCleanBitmap property will be updated when the Smooth dialog ends.



The original image is unchanged.



Processes long bumps or nicks before short bumps or nicks. If this flag is not passed, short is favored over long. For example:


Smooth the following image with Length == 3


X X 




Favoring short would remove the two "bumps" giving:




Favoring long would fill in the "gap" giving:





LineRemove dialog box

In this case it represents the processing flags for the LineRemove dialog box. Flags may be combined using a bitwise OR. Possible values are:






For each line found by the LineRemove dialog, the removed line is added to an internal single region. If the When the Line Remove dialog ends, either the DocCleanBitmap property or the DocCleanRgn property will reference a region that contains all the removed lines. If LINE_LEAD_REGION is also set, the DocCleanBitmap property will be updated with a bitmap that has a LEAD region that contains all the removed lines. If LINE_LEAD_REGION is not set, the DocCleanRgn property is updated with a Windows region that contains all the removed lines. When the region (either LEAD or Windows) is no longer needed, it must be destroyed.



When the Line Remove dialog ends, the DocCleanBitmap property is updated with a bitmap that also contains a region with all the removed lines. This flag must be used in conjunction with LINE_SINGLE_REGION. To use this flag set ProcessFlags to LINE_SINGLE_REGION Or LINE_LEAD_REGION. The DocCleanBitmap property will be updated when the Line Remove dialog ends.



The original image is unchanged.



The unit of measure for all parameters of this method is thousandths of an inch. Use the image's DPI to convert to pixels. This allows the processing of many images with different DPI. If this flag is not set, the unit of measure is pixels.



Remove the entire line, even if the line passes through a character or a wall.



Consider "gaps" in lines when performing line removal. If this flag is passed, the GapLength property is used. If this flag is not passed, the GapLength property is ignored.



Consider line variance when performing line removal. If this flag is passed, the Variance property is used. If this flag is not passed, the property is ignored.

BorderRemove dialog box

In this case it determines the behavior of the border removal process. Flags may be combined using a bitwise OR. Possible values are:






For each border found by the Border Remove dialog the removed border is added to an internal single region. When the Border Remove dialog ends, either the DocCleanBitmap property or the DocCleanRgn property will be set to a region that contains all the removed borders. If BORDER_LEAD_REGION is also set, the DocCleanBitmap property will be set to a bitmap that has a LEAD region that contains all the removed borders. If BORDER_LEAD_REGION is not set, DocCleanRgn is set to a Windows region that contains all the removed borders. When the region (either LEAD or Windows) is no longer needed, it must be destroyed.



When the Border Remove dialog ends, the DocCleanBitmap property is set to a bitmap that also contains a region with all the removed lines. This flag must be used in conjunction with BORDER_SINGLE_REGION. Pass BORDER_SINGLE_REGION Or BORDER_LEAD_REGION in the ProcessFlags parameter of. The DocCleanBitmap property will be set when the Border Remove dialog ends.



The original image is unchanged.



Consider border variance when performing border removal. If this flag is passed, the Variance property is used. If this flag is not passed, the Variance property is ignored.

InvertedText dialog box

In this case it represents the behavior of the inverted text removal process. Flags may be combined using a bitwise OR. Possible values are:






For each inverted text segment found by the Inverted Text dialog, the inverted text is added to an internal single region. When the Inverted Text dialog ends, either the DocCleanBitmap property or the DocCleanRgn property will reference a region that contains all the corrected inverted text. If INVERTEDTEXT_LEAD_REGION is also set, the DocCleanBitmap property will be updated with a bitmap that has a LEAD region that contains all the corrected inverted text. If INVERTEDTEXT_LEAD_REGION is not set, DocCleanRgn is updated with a Windows region that contains all the corrected inverted text. When the region (either LEAD or Windows) is no longer needed, it must be destroyed.



When the Inverted Text dialog ends, the DocCleanBitmap member is updated with a bitmap that also contains a region with all the corrected inverted text. This flag must be used in conjunction with INVERTEDTEXT_SINGLE_REGION. To use this flag set ProcessFlags to INVERTEDTEXT_SINGLE_REGION Or INVERTEDTEXT_LEAD_REGION. The DocCleanBitmap property will be updated when the Inverted Text dialog ends.



The original image is unchanged.



The unit of measure for all parameters of this method is thousandths of an inch. Use the image's DPI to convert to pixels. This allows the processing of many images with different DPI. If this flag is not set, the unit of measure is pixels.

DotRemove dialog box

In this case it determines the behavior of the dot removal process. Flags may be combined using a bitwise OR. Possible values are:






For each dot found by the Dot Remove dialog, the removed dot is added to an internal single region. When the Dot Remove dialog ends, either the DocCleanBitmap property or the DocCleanRgn property will reference a region that contains all the removed dots. If DOT_LEAD_REGION is also set, the DocCleanBitmap property will be set to a bitmap that has a LEAD region that contains all the removed dots. If DOT_LEAD_REGION is not set, DocCleanRgn is set to a Windows region that contains all the removed borders. When the region (either LEAD or Windows) is no longer needed, it must be destroyed.



When the Dot Remove dialog ends, the DocCleanBitmap property is updated with a bitmap that also contains a region with all the removed dots. This flag must be used in conjunction with DOT_SINGLE_REGION. To use this flag set ProcessFlags to DOT_SINGLE_REGION Or DOT_LEAD_REGION. The DocCleanBitmap member will be updated when the Dot Remove dialog ends.



The original image is unchanged.



The unit of measure for all parameters of this method is thousandths of an inch. Use the image's DPI to convert to pixels. This allows the processing of many images with different DPI. If this flag is not set, the unit of measure is pixels.



Use the MinDotWidth, MinDotHeight, MaxDotWidth, MaxDotHeight properties to indicate the size of the dots to remove. If this flag is not set, default values for the four sizes will be used. These defaults are as follows: MinDotWidth = 1, MinDotHeight = 1, MaxDotWidth = 2 and MaxDotHeight = 2.

HolePunchRemove dialog box

In this case it determines the behavior of the hole punch removal process. Flags may be combined using a bitwise OR (|). Possible values are:






For each Hole punch found by the Hole Punch Remove dialog, the removed Hole punch is added to an internal single region. When the Hole Punch Remove dialog ends, either the DocCleanBitmap property or the DocCleanRgn member will reference a region that contains all the removed Hole punches. If HOLEPUNCH_LEAD_REGION is also set, the DocCleanBitmap property will be set to a bitmap that has a LEAD region that contains all the removed Hole punches. If HOLEPUNCH_LEAD_REGION is not set, DocCleanRgn is set to a Windows region that contains all the removed Hole punches. When the region (either LEAD or Windows) is no longer needed, it must be destroyed.



When the Hole Punch Remove dialog ends, the DocCleanBitmap property is updated with a copy of the bitmap that also contains a region with all the removed Hole punches. This flag must be used in conjunction with HOLEPUNCH_SINGLE_REGION. To use this flag set ProcessFlags to HOLEPUNCH_SINGLE_REGION Or HOLEPUNCH_LEAD_REGION. The DocCleanBitmap member will be updated when the Hole Punch Remove dialog ends.



The original image is unchanged.



The unit of measure for all parameters of this method is thousandths of an inch. Use the image's DPI to convert to pixels. This allows the processing of many images with different DPI. If this flag is not set, the unit of measure for all fields of the HOLEPUNCH Record (structure) is pixels.



Use the MinHoleWidth, MinHoleHeight, MaxHoleWidth, MaxHoleHeight properties to indicate the size of the Hole punches to remove. If this flag is not set, default values for the four sizes will be used. If HOLEPUNCH_USE_DPI is set, the defaults are calculated from the image DPI. Otherwise, the defaults are calculated from the image width and height.



Use the MinHoleCount and MaxHoleCount properties to indicate the number of Hole punches to remove. If this flag is not set, default values for the two count values will be used. These default values are as follows: MinHoleCount = 3 and MaxHoleCount = 3.



Use the Location property to indicate the location of the hole punches to remove. If this flag is not set, a default of HOLEPUNCH_LEFT will be used.

See Also


ShowSmoothDlg method, ShowLineRemoveDlg method, ShowBorderRemoveDlg method, ShowInvertedTextDlg method, ShowDotRemoveDlg method, ShowHolePunchRemoveDlg method.


Imaging Common Dialogs: Properties, Methods, and Events