NewHeight property (LEADDlgImage Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi 4.0 example


Builder Syntax

L_UINT NewHeight

Delphi Syntax

NewHeight: L_UINT


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs.


Gets or sets the new height value in the Resize and the CanvasResize dialog boxes.

Resize dialog box

The value set must not exceed the maximum set in the MaxNewHeight property. In addition, if you set DLG_RESIZE_MAINTAINASPECT in DlgFlags property before calling the ShowResizeDlg method you must be sure that the NewWidth and NewHeight properties have the same aspect ratio as the OriginalWidth and OriginalHeight properties. Otherwise both the NewWidth and NewHeight values will be replaced with the OriginalWidth and OriginalHeight properties values respectively. If you set this field to 0 the dialog's initial width value will equal the value of the OriginalHeight field.

CanvasResize dialog box

It represents the new height entered by the user.

See Also


ShowResizeDlg method, ShowCanvasResizeDlg method


Imaging Common Dialogs: Properties, Methods, and Events