Diagram of an SCU-SCP Set-Up

The diagram given below shows a simple example of an SCU-SCP connection and a series of function calls used to transfer messages and data.








StartUp method

Create and initialize the DICOM Network handle.

StartUp method


The SCP listens for incoming connection requests.

Listen method

Connect method

The SCU calls this method to connect to an SCP. This generates this event on the SCP

NetAccept event

NetConnect event

The SCP calls StartUp for each connection it accepts. This provides the SCP memory to store information about this specific connection. The Accept method is called to accept the connection. This generates this event on the SCU.

StartUp method
Accept method


DICOM Network Connection established


SendAssociateRequest method

The SCU calls this method to request a DICOM Associate connection. This generates these events on the SCP.

NetReceive event
NetReceiveAssociateRequest event

NetReceive event
NetReceiveAssociateAccept event
NetReceive event
NetReceiveAssociateReject event

The SCP calls SendAssociateAccept to accept the DICOM Associate connection. This generates NetReceive and NetReceiveAssociateAccept events on the SCU. SendAssociateReject is sent to reject the DICOM Associate connection. This generates NetReceive and NetReceiveAssociateReject events on the SCU.

SendAssociateAccept method
SendAssociateReject method


DICOM Associate Connection established


SendCStoreRequest method

The SCU calls this method to request the storage of data. This generates these events on the SCP.

NetReceive event
NetReceiveData event
NetReceiveCStoreRequest event

NetReceive event
NetReceiveData event

The SCP calls this method to respond to the storage request. This generates these events on the SCU.

SendCStoreResponse method

SendReleaseRequest method
SendAbort method

The SCP calls SendReleaseRequest to request a release from the DICOM Associate connection. This generates the NetReceive and NetReceiveReleaseRequest events on the SCP. This is the preferred method of closing a connection. SendAbort can also be sent to close a connection. This generates the NetReceive and NetReceiveAbort events on the SCP.

NetReceive event
NetReceive event
NetReceiveAbort event

NetReceive event

The SCP calls this method to respond to the release request. This generates calls to the following events on the SCU.

SendReleaseResponse method

Close method

The SCU calls this method to close the DICOM Associate connection. This generates this event on the SCP.

NetClose event