Accept Example for C++ 6.0 and later
void CDicomNetSink::OnNetAccept (long nStatus)
CString cStr;
CString strTmp;
long hClient;
long lClients;
cStr.Format("*** NetAccept Event ***\n nStatus[%d]\n", nStatus);
//accept the connection attempt
cStr = cStr + "Accepted\n";
//display some information about the connection
_bstr_t sHostAddress = m_pDlg->m_pLEADDicomNet->GetHostAddress(m_pDlg->m_pLEADDicomNet->GethNet());
cStr = cStr + "Host: " + (char *)sHostAddress + "\n";
//get the latest client
lClients = m_pDlg->m_pLEADDicomNet->GetClientCount(m_pDlg->m_pLEADDicomNet->GethNet());
hClient = m_pDlg->m_pLEADDicomNet->GetClient(m_pDlg->m_pLEADDicomNet->GethNet(), lClients - 1);
strTmp.Format("ClientCount[%d]\nLatest Client[%x]\n", lClients, hClient);
cStr = cStr + strTmp;
_bstr_t sPeerAddress = m_pDlg->m_pLEADDicomNet->GetPeerAddress(hClient);
long lPeerPort = m_pDlg->m_pLEADDicomNet->GetPeerPort(hClient);
strTmp.Format("PeerAddress[%s]\nPeerPort[%d]\n", (char*)sPeerAddress, lPeerPort);
cStr = cStr + strTmp;
//reject the connection if we do not like the address
if ((char *)m_pDlg->m_pLEADDicomNet->GetPeerAddress (hClient) == "")
//close the connection