Miscellaneous Examples (C++ 6.0 and later)
You can test any of the following examples by adding a command button and pasting the sample code in the Click procedure.
Accept Example for C++ 6.0 and later
AnnCount Example for C++ 6.0 and later
ChangeTransferSyntax Example for C++ 6.0 and later
CloseForced Example for C++ 6.0 and later
ConformanceStatus example for C++ 6.0 and later
Connect Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Converting DICOM Annotation Objects to LEAD Annotation Objects Example for C++ 5.0 and later
Converting LEAD Annotation Objects to DICOM Annotation Objects Example for C++ 5.0 and later
CreateAssociate Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Creating a Digital Signature Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Creating DICOM Annotations Example for C++ 5.0 and later
DefaultIOD example for C++ 6.0 and later
DefaultTag example for C++ 6.0 and later
DefaultUID example for C++ 6.0 and later
DefaultVR example for C++ 6.0 and later
DeleteBitmapValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
DeleteElement Example for C++ 6.0 and later
DeleteIOD Example for C++ 6.0 and later
DeleteModule Example for C++ 6.0 and later
DeleteTag Example for C++ 6.0 and later
DeleteUID Example for C++ 6.0 and later
DeleteVR Example for C++ 6.0 and later
DSTempPath Example for C++ 6.0 and later
EnableMethodErrors (Communication Control) Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Enumerating Context Groups Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Enumerating Digital Signatures Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Enumerating the Coded Concepts of a Context Group Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Examining a Digital Signature Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Examining Annotations (1) Example for C++ 5.0 and later
Examining Annotations (2) Example for C++ 5.0 and later
Extracting a Wave Stream From a Data Set Example for C++ 6.0 and later
FindFirstElement Example for C++ 6.0 and later
FindIndexModule Example for C++ 6.0 and later
FindLastElement Example for C++ 6.0 and later
FindModule Example for C++ 6.0 and later
FindModuleIOD Example for C++ 6.0 and later
FindPresentationAbstract Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetAgeValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetApplication Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetAuthenticationAlgorithmTLS example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetBinaryValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetBitmapCount Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetCharValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetConvertValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetDateTimeValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetDateValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetDoubleValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetElementLevel Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetEncryptionAlgorithmTLS Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetEncryptKeyLengthTLS Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetExtendedData Example for C++ 6.0 or later
GetFloatValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetImageInformation Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetInfoDS Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetIntegrityAlgorithmTLS Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetKeyExchangeAlgorithmTLS Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetLongValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetModuleCount Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetMutualAuthKeyLengthTLS Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetPeerAuthDataISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetPeerEncryptionISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetPeerMACISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetPeerRequestedMessageLengthISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetPresentationAbstract Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetPresentationCount Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetPresentationResult Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetSendQueueSize Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetServer Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetShortValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetStatusISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetStringValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetTagCount Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetTimeValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Getting an overlay bitmap list Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Getting and setting a non-linear VOI LUT Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Getting and setting window center and width Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Getting modality LUT data and attributes Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Getting palette color LUT data and attributes Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetTransferCount Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetUIDCount Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetUserInfoCount Example for C++ 6.0 and later
GetVRCount Example for C++ 6.0 and later
IncludeVolatile Example for C++ 6.0 and later
InitCS Example for C++ 6.0 and later
InitDS Example for C++ 6.0 and later
InsertBitmapListValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
InsertBitmapValue Example for C++ 6.0 and later
InsertDS Example for C++ 6.0 or later
InsertElement Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Inserting a Context Group Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Inserting a Wave Stream Into a Data Set Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Inserting a Waveform Group Into a Data Set Example for C++ 6.0 and later
InsertIOD Example for C++ 6.0 and later
InsertKey Example for C++ 6.0 or later
InsertModule Example for C++ 6.0 and later
InsertTag Example for C++ 6.0 and later
InsertUID Example for C++ 6.0 and later
InsertVR Example for C++ 6.0 and later
IsActivated Example for C++ 6.0 and later
IsAsyncOperations Example for C++ 6.0 and later
ISCLChallengeResponseSuccess Example for C++ 6.0 and later
IsImplementClass Example for C++ 6.0 and later
IsImplementVersion Example for C++ 6.0 and later
IsISCLQueueEmpty Example for C++ 6.0 and later
IsMaxLengthEnabled Example for C++ 6.0 and later
IsRoleSelect Example for C++ 6.0 and later
J2KCompressionRatio Example for C++ 5.0 and later
J2KROIControl Example for C++ 5.0 and later
J2KSetDefaults Example for C++ 5.0 and later
J2KTargetFileSize Example for C++ 5.0 and later
KeepPixelDataIntact Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Listen Example for C++ 6.0 and later
LoadDS Example for C++ 6.0 and later
LoadDSArray Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Modifying a Context Group Example for C++ 6.0 and later
MoveFirstIOD Example for C++ 6.0 and later
MoveFirstTag Example for C++ 6.0 and later
MoveFirstUID Example for C++ 6.0 and later
MoveFirstVR Example for C++ 6.0 and later
MoveRootElement Example for C++ 6.0 and later
MoveRootIOD Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetClose Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetConnect Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetNonSecureReceivedISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetNonSecureSendISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceive Example for C++ 6.0 or later
NetReceiveAbort Example for C++ 6.0 or later
NetReceiveAssociateAccept Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveAssociateReject Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveAssociateRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveCCancelRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveCEchoResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveCFindResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveCGetRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveCGetResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveCMoveRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveCMoveResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveCStoreResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveData Example for C++ 6.0 or later
NetReceiveNActionRequest Example for C++ 6.0 or later
NetReceiveNActionResponse Example for C++ 6.0 or later
NetReceiveNCreateResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveNDeleteResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveNGetRequest Example for C++ 6.0 or later
NetReceiveNGetResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveNReportRequest Example for C++ 6.0 or later
NetReceiveNReportResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetReceiveNSetRequest Example for C++ 6.0 or later
NetReceiveNSetResponse Example for C++ 6.0 or later
NetReceiveReleaseRequest Example for C++ 6.0 or later
NetReceiveReleaseResponse Example for C++ 6.0 or later
NetReceiveUnknown Example for C++ 6.0 or later
NetSecureLinkReady example for C++ 6.0 and later
NetSend Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Preamble Example for C++ 6.0 and later
ProgressStatus Example for C++ 6.0 and later
ResetDS Example for C++ 6.0 and later
ResetIOD Example for C++ 6.0 and later
ResetTag Example for C++ 6.0 and later
ResetUID Example for C++ 6.0 and later
ResetVR Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SaveDS example for C++ 6.0 and later
Searching the Data Set for a Digital Signature Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendAbort Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendAssociateRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendCCancelRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendCEchoRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendCEchoResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendCFindRequest Example for C++ 6.0 or later
SendCFindResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendCGetRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendCMoveRequest Example for C++ 6.0 or later
SendCStoreRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendCStoreResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendData Example for C++ 6.0 or later
SendNActionRequest Example for C++ 6.0 or later
SendNCreateRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendNCreateResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendNDeleteRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendNDeleteResponse Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendNGetRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendNonSecureISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SendNReportRequest Example for C++ 6.0 or later
SendNSetRequest Example for C++ 6.0 or later
SendReleaseRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetAuthDataISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetBitmapListValue example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetBitmapValue example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetCalled Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetCipherToIndexTLS Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetClientCertificateTLS Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetCommandSet Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetCurrentElement example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetDefaultEncryptionISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetDefaultSigningISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetEncryptKeyISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetMaxCommBlockLengthISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetMaxMessageLengthISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetMutualAuthAlgISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetMutualAuthKeyISCL Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetRequest Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetServerCertificateTLS example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetTagName example for C++ 6.0 and later
Setting an overlay bitmap list Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Setting modality LUT data and attributes Example for C++ 6.0 and later
Setting palette color LUT data and attributes Example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetUIDName example for C++ 6.0 and later
SetVRName example for C++ 6.0 and later
SSLCreateFlags Example for C++ 6.0 and later