InsertBitmapListValue method (ILEADDicomDS)

VB.NET example

C# example

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 6.0 example



short InsertBitmapListValue (long hBitmapList, long lIndex, long lCompression, long lPhotometric, short nBitsPerPixel, short nQFactor, long lFlags);


Refer to Working with Data Sets.


This method inserts the images in the BitmapList property into the Pixel Data Element.

As an example, if you wish to insert 50 images starting with the 50th frame in the Pixel Data, call this function with lIndex set to 49 (the 50th frame in a zero-based index) and the 50 frames you wish to insert in hBitmapList.

Most DICOM files will only have one Data Element of type TAG_PIXEL_DATA. Therefore, in most instances the CurrentElement property can be NULL, since the method will automatically replace the images of the only Pixel Data Element in the file. If the CurrentElement property is not NULL, it must contain the Pixel Data Element itself.

If the DICOM file is CLASS_BASIC_DIRECTORY, the file may contain more than one Pixel Data Element. In this case you must specify in the CurrentElement property the Pixel Data Element in which the images will be replaced.

If you wish to replace only one image within the Pixel Data Element, you must use DeleteBitmapValue method and InsertBitmapValue method.

For more options when using the JPEG 2000 compression, refer to the J2KOptions property.

This function will either insert, delete or update one or more of the following elements:




Pixel Data


Transfer Syntax UID


Bits Stored


Bits Allocated


High Bit


Pixel Representation






Samples per Pixel


Planar Configuration


Photometric Interpretation


Smallest Image Pixel Value


Largest Image Pixel Value


Red Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor


Green Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor


Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor


Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data


Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data


Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data


Palette Color Lookup Table UID


Rescale Intercept


Rescale Slope


Rescale Type


Segmented Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data


Segmented Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data


Segmented Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data


VOI LUT Sequence


Window Center


Window Width


Window Center & Width Explanation


Number of Frames


Time Slot Vector

This function is indifferent to the pixel data restrictions imposed by the various DICOM IOD classes, for example this function will allow the user to insert a colored image into a "Digital X-Ray Image Storage" dataset.

This function will always insert a "Number of Frames" (0028, 0008) element and set its value.

See Also


GetBitmapValue method, GetBitmapListValue method, SetBitmapValue method, InsertBitmapListValue method, SetBitmapValue method, DeleteBitmapValue method


Data Sets: Getting and Setting Data Element Values