SetDefaultSigningISCL method (ILEADDicomNet)

VB.NET example

C# example

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 6.0 example



short SetDefaultSigningISCL(long hNet, long nSignMode);


Refer to Adding ISCL Security to a DICOM Connection


(Medical Imaging Suite only) Sets the current message authentication code.

The message authentication code is encrypted using the current encryption mode before being sent and decrypted after being received. The current encryption mode is set using the SetDefaultEncryptionISCL method.

The encryption mode and the message authentication code type must be the same for both the sender and the receiver.

See Also


SetDefaultEncryptionISCL method, SetAuthDataISCL method, SetMaxCommBlockLengthISCL method, SetMaxMessageLengthISCL method, SetMutualAuthAlgISCL method, SetMutualAuthKeyISCL method, SetIndexForMutualAuthISCL method, SetEncryptKeyISCL method, SetIndexForEncryptISCL method


DICOM Security: Working with ISCL