SetEncryptKeyISCL method (ILEADDicomNet)

VB.NET example

C# example

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 6.0 example



short SetEncryptKeyISCL(long hNet, long nIndex, VARIANT AuthKey);


Refer to Adding ISCL Security to a DICOM Connection


(Medical Imaging Suite only) Sets an encryption key at the specified index in the array.

The index of the encryption key is sent with every message sent from the sender to the receiver. Different encryption keys can be used for each message, as long as the keys of the sender and the receiver match.

See Also


SetIndexForEncryptISCL method, SetDefaultSigningISCL method, SetDefaultEncryptionISCL method, SetAuthDataISCL method, SetMaxCommBlockLengthISCL method, SetMaxMessageLengthISCL method, SetMutualAuthAlgISCL method, SetMutualAuthKeyISCL method, SetIndexForMutualAuthISCL method


DICOM Security: Working with ISCL