SSLSuccess property (ILEADDicomNet)

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long SSLSuccess


Refer to Working with DICOM Network Connections


(Medical Imaging Suite only)

After setting security options with any of the following properties and calling the StartUp method, this member will return any errors. If all options were set successfully, this will contain DICOM_SUCCESS. For information on errors, refer to Return Codes.

SSLCreateFlags property

SSLMethodType property

SSLVerifyMode property

SSLOptions property

SSLCAFile property

SSLVerifyDepth property

Use the following procedure to change the default security options:


Set the UseSSLOptions property to VARIANT_TRUE


Set the NetworkSecurityMode property to DICOM_SECURE_TLS


Set any or all of the following properties.

SSLMethodType property

SSLVerifyMode property

SSLOptions property

SSLCAFile property

SSLVerifyDepth property


Set the SSLCreateFlags property to have the flags that correspond to the properties that were set in step 3.


Call the StartUp method.

Note that the properties in steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 must be set before calling the StartUp method, and that the NetworkSecurityMode property must be set to DICOM_SECURE_TLS. If the NetworkSecurityMode property is not DICOM_SECURE_TLS, then the SSL properties are ignored.

See Also


StartUp method,UseSSLOptions property, SSLCreateFlags property, SSLMethodType property, SSLVerifyMode property, SSLOptions property, SSLCAFile property, SSLVerifyDepth property, NetworkSecurityMode property


DICOM Network Connection:Creating a Network Connection


DICOM Security: Working with TLS


Adding TLS Secuirty to a DICOM Connection