InsertCell method (ILEADRasterContainerViewer)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



short InsertCell(long lCellIndex, long lFlag);


Refer to Using the Image Viewer


(Medical Imaging Suite) Adds a new empty cell to the container.

When the user passes –1 or a number greater than the cell count in lCellIndex, this method will append the container with the new cell. Otherwise all the cells starting from lCellIndex will be shifted to the right one block in order to add the new cell.

The newly inserted cell will be empty. To access the new cell properties, use the Cell property.

To remove any cell, use the RemoveCell Method.

See Also


FirstVisibleRow property, CellCount property, RemoveCell method, SetContainerProperties method, GetContainerProperties method.


Image Viewer: Container Properties