RemoveCell method (ILEADRasterContainerViewer)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



short RemoveCell(long lCellIndex, VARIANT_BOOL bCleanImages, long lFlag);


Refer to Using the Image Viewer


(Medical Imaging Suite) Removes a cell from the container.

When a cell is removed from the container, any cells to the right or below the removed cell will be automatically shifted to the left, or up, to the end of the preceding row, as needed.

To insert a new cell, use InsertCell Method.

When the "Display Container" itself is no longer needed, the Control automatically destroy any cells within the container, any associated bitmaps, and any internal data.

See Also


FirstVisibleRow property, CellCount property, InsertCell method, SetContainerProperties method, GetContainerProperties method.


Image Viewer: Container Properties