Example Programs


You can run some of the example programs on your system by clicking the appropriate buttons in online help. An error message will appear if you try to run an example program that is not on your system.

The executable files for these examples were compiled with Document/Medical capabilities of the toolkit. To get Document/Medical capabilities, you must buy a LEADTOOLS Document/Medical toolkit. Otherwise, if you recompile the examples, the resulting executable files will not have the Document/Medical capabilities.

Visual Basic

image\sqrblit.gif EXAMPLES\COM\VB\DEMO32 contains a sample application that demonstrates most of the COM capabilities in Visual Basic 5.0. To run the 32-bit sample application, you can run the EXE file in LEAD's BIN directory.

image\sqrblit.gif EXAMPLES\COM\VB\ANNOT32 contains a sample application that demonstrates the annotation capabilities. To run the 32-bit sample application, you can run the EXE file in LEAD's BIN directory.

image\sqrblit.gif EXAMPLES\COM\VB\DB32 contains sample project code for an ODBC database example in Visual Basic 5.0. To use the DB demo, you must first do the following:


Specify an ODBC data source named LEADACCESS that references the IMAGES\LEADPIC.MDB database. For instructions on specifying an ODBC data source, refer to Using ODBC.


Open the project in Visual Basic and modify the Dpeople data control's DatabaseName property to reference the IMAGES\LEADPIC.MDB database.

image\sqrblit.gif EXAMPLES\COM\VB\OLEDB32 contains sample project code for an OLEDB database example in Visual Basic 6.0. To use the OLEDB demo, you must first do the following:


Specify an ODBC data source named LEADACCESS that references the IMAGES\LEADPIC.MDB database. For instructions on specifying an ODBC data source, refer to Using ODBC.


Open the project in Visual Basic and modify the Dpeople data control's ConnectString property to reference the LEADACCESS DSN.

image\sqrblit.gif EXAMPLES\COM\VB\FX32 demonstrates the LEADTOOLS special effects, including paint effects, transitions, three-dimensional text, and three-dimensional shapes. To run the 32-bit sample application, you can run the EXE file in LEAD's BIN directory.

image\sqrblit.gif EXAMPLES\COM\VB\LMCDemo demonstrates the use of the LMD file format. To run the 32-bit sample application, you can run the EXE file in LEAD's BIN directory.

image\sqrblit.gif Examples\COM\VB\ZOOMVIEW demonstrates the zoom view functionality. It lets you load an image and, zoom any portion of the image. As long as the user moves the rectangle of the selected portion to be zoomed, the zoom view window will zoom that portion. In addition, the user can create multiple zoom views.

Visual C++

image\sqrblit.gif EXAMPLES\COM\MSVC5\DEMO contains sample project code for Visual C++. You can open the project in Visual C++; then compile and run it.

image\sqrblit.gif EXAMPLES\COM\MSVC5\ANNCOM demonstrates the LEADTOOLS annotation capabilities. To run the sample application, you can run the EXE file in LEAD's BIN directory.

image\sqrblit.gif EXAMPLES\COM\MSVC5\DB contains sample project code for a database example in Visual C++. To use the DB demo, you must first do the following:


Specify an ODBC data source named LEADACCESS that references the IMAGES\LEADPIC.MDB database. For instructions on specifying an ODBC data source, refer to Using ODBC.


Open the project in Visual C++ and modify the GetDefaultDBName function to reference the IMAGES\LEADPIC.MDB database.

image\sqrblit.gif EXAMPLES\COM\MSVC5\OLEDB contains sample project code for an OLEDB database example in Visual C++. To use the OLEDB demo, you must first do the following:


Specify an ODBC data source named LEADACCESS that references the IMAGES\LEADPIC.MDB database. For instructions on specifying an ODBC data source, refer to Using ODBC.


Open the project in MSVC and modify the ADODC1 data control's ConnectString property to reference the LEADACCESS DSN.

image\sqrblit.gif EXAMPLES\COM\MSVC5\SPFXCOM demonstrates the LEADTOOLS special effects, including paint effects, transitions, three-dimensional text, and three-dimensional shapes. To run the sample application, you can run the EXE file in LEAD's BIN directory.

image\sqrblit.gif Examples\COM\MSVC5\ZOOMVIEW demonstrates the zoom view functionality. It lets you load an image and, zoom any portion of the image. As long as the user moves the rectangle of the selected portion to be zoomed, the zoom view window will zoom that portion. In addition, the user can create multiple zoom views.