Using the OLE DB Control
You can associate the LEAD Raster OLE DB Control with an OLE DB DataSource such as the ADO Data control so that the LEADRasterView control's Raster is bound to a specified field in the data control's recordset.
Use the following properties to specify the data control and field to which the OLE DB Control is bound:
Use the following properties to specify how images are stored in the data field:
Use the following property to specify the bits per pixel of the bitmap in memory:
Use the following property to indicate that the database field should be updated:
Use the following properties to copy the data to/from the LEADRasterView & LEADRasterAnnotation objects:
Use the following events to be notified when data is loaded from or saved to the recordset:
Use the following property to access the internal ILEADRaster object:
Set the following property to TRUE to enable the generation of system errors: