AnnContainer property (ILEADRasterOLEDB)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example

Delphi 4 example

C++ Builder example



long AnnContainer


Refer to Using the OLE DB Control.


(Document/Medical only) Is the handle to the annotation container for objects loaded from the database or to be saved to the database.

To delete any existing annotation objects, set this property to 0.

After the DataLoaded event, if annotations were loaded from the database, you can copy them to the LEADRasterOLEDB Control using this property.

To save annotations to the database, assign the LEADRasterAnnotation Control's AnnContainer property to the LEADRasterOLEDB Control's AnnContainer property, and set the DataDirty property to True before changing the recordset.

See Also


DataDirty property, Bitmap property


Databases: LEADRasterOLEDB