ContainerPointY property (ILEADRasterAnnotation)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



long ContainerPointY;


Refer to Implementing Annotations.


Gets or sets an array of Y coordinates for one or more points to be converted. These values are in container coordinates. Container coordinates are typically the same dimensions as the underlying bitmap, and are independent of zooming and scrolling.

You must set the PointIndex property, in order to allocate adequate memory for the ClientPointX, ClientPointY, ContainerPointY and ContainerPointX properties, before using any of these properties.

For more information on the conversion process, refer to AnnConvert method.

See Also


AnnConvert method, ClientPointY property, ClientPointX property, ContainerPointY property, PointsCount property, PointIndex property


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Object Manipulation