PlasmaFilter method (ILEADRasterProcess)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



short PlasmaFilter(ILEADRaster * pRaster, long lRedFreq, long lGreenFreq, long lBlueFreq, long lOpacity, long lShift, long lSize, long lFlags);


Refer to Applying Artistic Effects.


(Raster Pro and above only) Applies color patterns that blend into each other like plasma.

As an example, suppose you call the PlasmaFilter method, using a lOpacity value of 0, which means that no image is to be used, and you use the following settings:











The following figure results:


The lOpacity value will always be considered to be 0, unless specified otherwise by a value between (and including) 0 and 100.

Use the lRedFreq, lGreenFreq, and lBlueFreq paramters to create a custom color pattern. To use them, pass the PLSCLR_CUST flag to PlasmaFilter. Otherwise, their values will be ignored.

The PLSCLR_HUE value is a predefined color pattern that is based on the HLS color space. It creates plasma patterns by changing hue values.

The PLSCLR_RGB1 value is a predefined color pattern that is based on the RGB color space. Different combinations of red, green and blue frequencies produce different results.

Like the PLSCLR_RGB1 value, the PLSCLR_RGB2 value is based on the RGB color space, but uses a different combination of red, green and blue frequencies.

The color palette used for lShift is a continuous cylindrical color palette. In the following figures, one shows where on the palette a value of 0 lies, and the other one shows where on the palette the maximum value lies:


This method supports 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images. Support for 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images is available only in the Document/Medical toolkits.

This method does not support signed data images. It returns the error code ERROR_SIGNED_DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED if a signed data image is passed to this method.

See Also


AddNoise method, Emboss method, MaskConvolution method, Mosaic method, MotionBlur method, Oilify method, Posterize method, RemoveRedeye method, Solarize method, Underlay method, Bending method, Cylindrical method, FreeHandShear method, FreeHandWave method, Impressionist method, Polar method, Punch method, RadialBlur method, RadWave method, Ripple method, Spherize method, Swirl method, Wave method, Wind method, ZoomBlur method, ZoomWave method, BumpMap method, Cubism method, DrawStar method, Dry method, FreePlaneBend method, FreeRadBend method, GlassEffect method, GlowFilter method, LensFlare method, Light method, Ocean method, PlaneBend method, Plane method, SampleTarget method, Tunnel method, Pixelate method


Raster Images: Doing Geometric Transformations.


Raster Images: Filtering Images.