OptimizeDir method (ILEADRasterImgOpt)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



short OptimizeDir(BSTR pszDirectory, BSTR pszOptDirectory, ILEADOptimizeOptions * pOptimizeOptions, BSTR pszFileExt, VARIANT_BOOL bIncludeSubDirs, VARIANT_BOOL bOptimizeDirEvent);


Refer to Image Optimization.


Optimizes a directory of images using the specified optimization options, and saves the optimized images to a new directory with the same hierarchy.

This method looks for all the selected and supported files in the pszDirectory directory and optimizes them using the optimization options passed in the pOptimizeOptions parameter. It then saves the optimized images to the pszOptDirectory directory.

Both the pszDirectory and pszOptDirectory parameters should contain a full path, complete with drive name. The pszDirectory parameter should contain the full path to the input (original) directory, and the pszOptDirectory parameter should contain the full path to the output (optimized) directory.

See Also


JPEGQFactor property, PNGQFactor property, JPEGColorSpace property, Percent property, Distance property, PickSamePalette property, OptimizeBuffer method, OnOptimizeDir event


Optimizer: Optimization Methods