Annotation Automation Object


This topic is for Document/Medical only.

The annotation automation object (ANNOBJECT_AUTOMATION) is an object that lets you maintain default properties when using the automated annotation functions. This object has no position or dimensions. It is never placed in a container, but is associated with a root container accessed through the AnnContainer property.

Any properties that you set in the automation object become the default values for any new objects that are inserted into the associated container. In addition to the properties of other object types, the automation object also has properties, such as the default toolbar selection, that control the automated user interface.

This object has an automation tool property that you can use without implementing the toolbar. For example, if you want to supply your own toolbar or menu options, you can use the automation object alone to keep track of the tool selection.

Applicable properties have the following defaults, which you can change:

Automation tool

Defaults to the selection pointer. It can be changed using the AnnTool property.


Defaults to empty string. It can be changed using the AnnSetNameOptions method.

Line width

Defaults to 0.75 points. It can be changed using the AnnSetLineWidth method. (Note that when displayed, the line must have a minimum width of 1 pixel.)

Line style

Defaults to solid. It can be changed using the AnnSetLineStyle method.

ROP2 code

Defaults to Copy. It can be changed using the AnnSetROP2 method.

Transparent option

Defaults To Do Not Use Transparent Color. It can be changed using the AnnSetTransparent method.

Transparent Color

Defaults to White. It can be changed using the AnnSetTransparentColor method.

Fill pattern

Defaults to solid. It can be changed using the AnnSetFillPattern method.

Fill mode

Defaults to transparent. It can be changed using the AnnSetFillMode method.

Polygon fill mode

Defaults to winding. It can be changed using the AnnSetPolyFillMode method.

Foreground color

Defaults to red. It can be changed using the AnnSetForeColor method.

Background color

Defaults to white. It can be changed using the AnnSetBackColor method. The default does not affect highlight, redaction, or note objects.

Note Background Color

Defaults to yellow. It can be changed using the AnnSetAutoBackColor method.

Redact Background Color

Defaults to black. It can be changed using the AnnSetAutoBackColor method.

Hilite Background Color

Defaults to yellow. It can be changed using the AnnSetAutoBackColor method.

Font size

Defaults to 10 point, translated with a scaling factor of 1. It can be changed using the AnnSetFontSize method.

Font underline

Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the AnnSetFontUnderline method.

Font strikethrough

Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the AnnSetFontStrikeThrough method.

Font italic

Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the AnnSetFontItalic method.

Font bold

Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the AnnSetFontBold method.

Font name

Defaults to "Arial". It can be changed using the AnnSetFontName method.

Button Font

Defaults to a regular MS Sans Serif red font at 10 points.

Hotspot Metafile

Defaults to a campfire graphic. It can be changed using the AnnSetPredefinedMetafile method.

Encrypt Metafile

Defaults to an image of a black skeleton key. It can be changed using the AnnSetPredefinedMetafile method.

Decrypt Metafile

Defaults to an image of a red skeleton key. It can be changed using the AnnSetPredefinedMetafile method.


Defaults to Show Length and Show Tic Marks, using smart English as the measurement unit with a precision of 2, and a tic mark length of 30. These options can be changed using the AnnSetShowFlags method, the AnnSetGaugeLength method, and the AnnSetUnit method.


Defaults to displaying every node. It can be changed using the AnnSetNodes method.


Defaults to drawing the inside angle in degrees with a precision of 2 and at an arc radius of 30. These options can be changed using the AnnSetProtractorOptions method and the AnnSetShowFlags method.


Defaults to using a bitmap and not using transparent color. These options can be changed using the AnnSetTransparent method, AnnSetTransparentColor method, the AnnPredefinedBitmap property and the AnnSetBitmap method.


Defaults to Encryptor. Set encryption options using the AnnSetEncryptOptions.

Fixed State

Defaults to not fixed. It can be changed using the AnnFixed property.


Defaults to None. It can be changed using the AnnSetHyperlinkString method.

Menus enabled

Defaults to TRUE. It can be changed using the AnnAutoMenuEnable property.

Automation text strings

Default to hard-coded strings for menus and dialog boxes. Strings can be changed using the AnnSetAutoText method.

Use the AnnOptions property to control the following features:

image\sqrblit.gif Rubber Stamp Display Style

image\sqrblit.gif XP Style Annotation Toolbar

image\sqrblit.gif Alpha Background Fill Option

image\sqrblit.gif Annotation Rotate Option

image\sqrblit.gif Annotation Side Handles

image\sqrblit.gif Annotation Multiselect

image\sqrblit.gif Annotation Cursors

image\sqrblit.gif ESC to Cancel

image\sqrblit.gif Calibrate Ruler Feature

image\sqrblit.gif Dot Dash Lines

image\sqrblit.gif XML Format

image\sqrblit.gif Text Annotation Options

For more information about these features, refer to New Annotation Features of Version 14.5.

Related topics:

image\sqrblit.gif Implementing Annotations

image\sqrblit.gif Types of Annotations

image\sqrblit.gif Low-Level Coordinate System for Annotations.

image\sqrblit.gif Using Annotation Object Bitmaps

image\sqrblit.gif Setting Defaults

image\sqrblit.gif Using Rulers in Annotation Objects

image\sqrblit.gif Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects