Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects


This topic is for Document/Medical only.

The AnnAutoDrawEnable property enables or disables the default use of the left mouse button to draw an annotation object in design mode. To implement the automated design mode for annotations, this property must be set to True, and the AnnUserMode property property must be set to ANNUSERMODE_DESIGN.

Call the AnnBringToFront method or the AnnSendToBack method to alter the object’s display order within the container.

To apply an annotation object to the bitmap itself, call the AnnRealize method. This application is permanent, except when realizing a redact object. Realized redact objects store the background behind them within the object. Call the AnnUnrealize method to restore the background hidden by the redact object.

Use the AnnSetVisible method to make an object visible. When an object is not visible, it cannot be displayed. Some objects (notably containers) may be transparent, but if their visible-object property is True, a user can select them with a mouse. Use the AnnGetVisible method to determine whether the specified object is visible.

Use the AnnContainer property to obtain the handle to the (root) annotation container for objects in the current window. Other functions for working with containers include:

AnnContainerPointX property

AnnContainerPointY property

AnnGetContainer method

AnnGetTopContainer method

The following functions may be used to select annotation objects for manipulation:

AnnGetGrouping method

AnnGetSelectList method

AnnGroup method

AnnHandle property

AnnHandleID property

AnnHandleIndex property

AnnHitTestExt method

AnnObjectHitHandle property

AnnPositionResult property

AnnSelectPoint method

AnnSelectRect method

AnnSetGrouping method

AnnSetSelected method

AnnUngroup method

If the annotation object(s) are Stamp or Point objects and are using a bitmap, it is possible to call the following methods to set up bitmap transparency:

AnnGetTransparent method

AnnGetTransparentColor method

AnnSetTransparent method

AnnSetTransparentColor method

Use the AnnOptions property to control the following features:

image\sqrblit.gif Rubber Stamp Display Style

image\sqrblit.gif XP Style Annotation Toolbar

image\sqrblit.gif Alpha Background Fill Option

image\sqrblit.gif Annotation Rotate Option

image\sqrblit.gif Annotation Side Handles

image\sqrblit.gif Annotation Multiselect

image\sqrblit.gif Annotation Cursors

image\sqrblit.gif ESC to Cancel

image\sqrblit.gif Calibrate Ruler Feature

image\sqrblit.gif Dot Dash Lines

image\sqrblit.gif XML Format

image\sqrblit.gif Text Annotation Options

For more information about these features, refer to New Annotation Features of Version 14.5.

Use the AnnGetROP2 and AnnSetROP2 methods to manipulate the color display options for the following objects:



















In addition, the Automation object (ANNOBJECT_AUTOMATION) stores default color display options along with the other object default settings

Perform geometric transformations on an annotation object by calling the following functions:

AnnDefine method

AnnDefine2 method

AnnBringToFront method

AnnFlip method

AnnMove method

AnnAutoResize property

AnnAutoRotate property

AnnReverse method

AnnRotate method

AnnSendToBack method

AnnCut method

AnnRemove method

AnnPaste method