Implementing Annotation Hyperlinks



This topic is for Document/Medical only.

LEADTOOLS provides several properties, methods and events for hyperlinking annotations. Annotations may be hyperlinked to run a program, access a Web page, or send a user-defined message. Hyperlinks that run a program or access a Web page are generated using AnnSetHyperlinkString method. AnnSetHyperlinkMsg method creates a hyperlink to send a user-defined message to the OnAnnHyperlink event. To determine the type of hyperlink associated with an annotation use AnnGetHyperlinkType method. If the hyperlink runs a program or accesses a Web page, the name of the program and all required command line parameters, or the URL of the Web page can be retrieved using the AnnGetHyperlinkString method. Hyperlinks to the OnAnnHyperlink event may have parameters. AnnGetHyperlinkParam method retrieves the parameters. AnnHyperlinkMenuEnable property enables or disables the hyperlink menu item for automated annotations. OnAnnHyperlinkMenu event occurs when the user selects the hyperlink menu item for automated annotations.