OnAnnHyperlink event (Annotation Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

TAnnHyperlinkEvent OnAnnHyperlink (LEADTyp::L_HANDLE hObject, int iParamCount, int lParam1, int lParam2, int lParam3, int lParam4, int lParam5);

Delphi Syntax

OnAnnHyperlink (hObject: L_HANDLE; iParamCount: integer; lParam1: longint; lParam2: longint; lParam3: longint; lParam4: longint; lParam5: longint): TAnnHyperlinkEvent


Refer to Implementing Annotation Hyperlinks.


(Document/Medical only) This event occurs when AnnUserMode property is set to ANNUSERMODE_RUN and an object with an ANNLINK_EVENT or ANNLINK_EVENT5 hyperlink type is clicked.

See Also


AnnHyperlinkMenuEnable property, AnnGetHyperlinkType method, AnnUserMode property, AnnGetHyperlinkParam method


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Annotation Hyperlinks