GetHistogram example for C++ Builder
The following code does a CMYK separation and uses a histogram to find the brightest and darkest intensities in the K plane of the bitmap. It then remaps the intensities to use the full range and merges the color planes to recreate the bitmap:
int Brightest, Darkest, MyIndex, Offset, CurrentRange;
Screen->Cursor = crHourGlass;
//Do a CMYK color separation and copy the K plane to the bitmap
LeadImage1->Bitmap = 0; //Free the bitmap
LeadImage1->Bitmap = LeadImage1->ColorPlanes[3]; //Copy the K plane
//Load the histogram
//Find the brightest and darkest intensities in the image
MyIndex = 0;
Brightest = 0;
Darkest = -1;
while (MyIndex < 256)
if (LeadImage1->HistogramTable[MyIndex] > 0)
Brightest = MyIndex;
if (Darkest == -1)
Darkest = MyIndex;
LeadImage1->RemapTableSize = 256;
//Remap the intensities to use the full range
MyIndex = Darkest;
CurrentRange = Brightest - Darkest;
if (CurrentRange > 0)
while (MyIndex <= Brightest)
Offset = MyIndex - Darkest;
LeadImage1->RemapTable[MyIndex] = (255 * Offset) / CurrentRange;
//Merge the color planes and free them from memory
LeadImage1->ColorPlanes[3] = LeadImage1->Bitmap; //Update the K plane
LeadImage1->ColorPlanes[0] = 0;
LeadImage1->ColorPlanes[1] = 0;
LeadImage1->ColorPlanes[2] = 0;
LeadImage1->ColorPlanes[3] = 0;
//Set the image display size to match the LEAD control
LeadImage1->SetDstRect(0, 0, LeadImage1->Width, LeadImage1->Height);
LeadImage1->SetDstClipRect(0, 0, LeadImage1->Width, LeadImage1->Height);
Screen->Cursor = crDefault;