ADDMESGINFO= Packed Record
   pStrMsg: PCHAR;
   pPassword: PCHAR;
   pFileName: PCHAR;
   pDirectory: PCHAR;
   ptStart: pPOINT;

The ADDMESGINFO Record (structure) contains information about the message being added to or extracted from the bitmap and is used by the ExtractMessage and AddMessage methods.




Pointer to text that will be added to or extracted from an image. When adding a message to a bitmap this pointer refers to the text message that will be added. If you want to add a file, set this pointer to Nil (NULL). When extracting a message from a bitmap there is no need to allocate this pointer, the extract method will allocate it if the embedded message is text, otherwise it remains Nil (NULL).


Pointer to the password that will be used when adding the message to or extracting the message from the bitmap. To use the default password set this parameter to Nil (NULL). The default password is, "LEAD Technologies".


Pointer to the name of the file that will be added to or extracted from an image. When adding a message to a bitmap this pointer refers to the name of the file that will be added, and the pStrMsg member must be set to Nil (NULL), otherwise this parameter has no effect. When extracting a message from a bitmap there is no need to allocate this pointer, the extract method will allocate it if the embedded message is a file otherwise it remains Nil (NULL).


Pointer to the full path name of the directory in which to save the extracted file. This parameter is used only by the ExtractMessage method. If the extracted message is a file this parameter is used to specify the path for saving the extracted file. To save the extracted file using the original path, set this parameter to Nil (NULL). If the extracted message is text this parameter has no effect.


Pointer to a TPoint Record (structure) that contains the point at which the message will be added to or extracted from the image. To use the default position set this parameter to Nil (NULL).