GetDIB method (Main Control)
Builder Syntax |
Delphi Syntax |
Overview |
Refer to Copying and Creating Bitmaps. |
Converts a LEAD Technologies bitmap into a Windows device independent bitmap (DIB). When this method is completed, there are two copies of the bitmap in memory: the DIB and the original LEAD bitmap. Freeing one will not affect the other.
This method is similar to GetDIB(), but it allows you to specify the type of DIB.
A DIB consists of one of the following:
BITMAPV4HEADER (Introduced in Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0), or
BITMAPV5HEADER (Introduced in Windows 2000 and Windows 98)
followed by a color table and then the bitmap data. The resulting DIB type is determined by the value of the uType flag.
Ordinarily, you would need a DIB only if you are using Windows API functions. Nevertheless, for simplicity, the examples in this documentation get and set a DIB without using the API.
See Also
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