OnAnnToolChecked event (Annotation Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

TAnnToolCheckedEvent OnAnnToolChecked (int iTool);

Delphi Syntax

OnAnnToolChecked (iTool: Integer): TAnnToolCheckedEvent


Refer to Annotation Toolbar


(Document/Medical only) This event is fired when the user clicks on an annotation toolbar button. In this case, iTool contains the ANNTOOL_XXX value that indicates the selected tool.

If the AutoSetTool Propertyof AnnToolbar is set to True, the AnnTool property of the LEADAnn control has already been set to iTool.



iTool contains the same value as the Tool property of AnnToolbar.

See Also


AutoSetTool property, ButtonBitmapUp property, ButtonBitmapDown property, ButtonColumns property, ButtonCount property,ButtonMenuText property, ButtonMenuTextID property, ButtonMenuTool property, ButtonRows property, ButtonTool property, ButtonToolCount property, ButtonToolTipText property, ButtonToolTipTextID property, ButtonVisible property, CreateTB method , h_Wnd property, Tool property, Visible property


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Automation