OnStatus event (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

TStatusEvent OnStatus (int Percent);

Delphi Syntax

OnStatus (Percent: Integer): TStatusEvent;


Refer to Detecting Events.


Occurs repeatedly as LEADTOOLS processes data, so that you can update a status bar or detect a user interrupt.

This event is generated only if the EnableProgressEvent property is set to TRUE.

To interrupt a process, set the EnableProgressEvent property to FALSE.

The following methods generate OnStatus events:

AddNoise method
Average method

BinaryFilter method

ColorMerge method

ColorRes method

ColorSeparate method

Combine method

Contrast method

Deskew method

Despeckle method

Emboss method

Fill method

Flip method

GammaCorrect method

GetHistogram method

Grayscale method

Halftone method

HistoContrast method

HistoEqualize method

Hue method

Intensity method

IntensityDetect method

Invert method

Load method

Median method

Mosaic method

Oilify method

Picturize method

Posterize method

RemapIntensity method

Reverse method

Rotate method

Saturation method

Save method

Sharpen method

Shear method

Size method

SpatialFilter method

StretchIntensity method

Underlay method

See Also


Working with the Control: General Behavior