A special note about UNICODE support
ActiveLanguage property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   ActiveLanguage property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with Languages
ActiveLanguagesCount property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   ActiveLanguagesCount property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with Languages
ActivePageIndex property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   ActivePageIndex property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Drawing Pages and Zones
ActiveX OCR
ActiveX OCRDEM32
AddItemToUserDictionary method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   AddItemToUserDictionary method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with a Dictionary
AddPage method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   AddPage method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with Pages
AddZone method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   AddZone method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with Zones
Alignment property (ILTParagraphOptions)
   Alignment property (ILTParagraphOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Paragraph Options
AlignmentMode property (ILTParagraphOptions)
   AlignmentMode property (ILTParagraphOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Paragraph Options
An Overview of Recognition Modules
   Recognizing Pages (ASP - JavaScript)
   Recognizing Pages (ASP - VBScript)
   Tutorial for ASP - JavaScript Programmers
   Tutorial for ASP - VBScript Programmers
   Working with Pages (ASP - JavaScript)
   Working with Pages (ASP - VBScript)
   Working with Zones (ASP - JavaScript)
   Working with Zones (ASP - VBScript)
Auto orienting a page
AutoOrientPage method (ILEADRasterDocument)
AutoOrientPage method (ILTRasterDocument)

Bold property (ILTCharacterOptions)
   Bold property (ILTCharacterOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Character Options
Bottom property (ILTZoneData)
   Bottom property (ILTZoneData)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the ILTZoneData Properties
Building an application

   Example Programs
   Tutorial for Visual C++ 5.0 Programmers
CellIndex property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
   CellIndex property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using Recognized Characters
Character Options
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Character Options
   Using the Character Options
CharacterFilter property (ILTZoneData)
   CharacterFilter property (ILTZoneData)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the ILTZoneData Properties
CharacterHeight property (ILTHandPrintOptions)
   CharacterHeight property (ILTHandPrintOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the HandPrint Options
CharacterOptions property (ILTResultOptions)
   CharacterOptions property (ILTResultOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Handling the Results of the Recognition Process
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Character Options
CharacterSpace property (ILTHandPrintOptions)
   CharacterSpace property (ILTHandPrintOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the HandPrint Options
CharacterWidth property (ILTHandPrintOptions)
   CharacterWidth property (ILTHandPrintOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the HandPrint Options
CleanupPages method (ILEADRasterDocument)
ColMissingSymbol property (ILTMarkOptions)
Color property (ILTDocumentOptions)
   Color property (ILTDocumentOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Document Options
ColorSuspectCharacter property (ILTMarkOptions)
   ColorSuspectCharacter property (ILTMarkOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Mark Options
ColRejectionSymbol property (ILTMarkOptions)
   ColRejectionSymbol property (ILTMarkOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Mark Options
ColSuspectWord property (ILTMarkOptions)
   ColSuspectWord property (ILTMarkOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Mark Options
CompuServe ID
Confidence property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
   Confidence property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using Recognized Characters
Confidence reporting

Data Types
Dealing with Pages
DecompositionTime property (ILTILTRecognizeStatus)
DecompositionTime property (ILTRecognizeStatus)
DefaultPageFillMethod property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   DefaultPageFillMethod property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with Zones
DefaultSpellLanguages property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   DefaultSpellLanguages property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with Languages
DefaultSpellLanguagesCount property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   DefaultSpellLanguagesCount property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with Languages
DestinationClipHeight property (ILEADRasterDocument)
DestinationClipLeft property (ILEADRasterDocument)
DestinationClipTop property (ILEADRasterDocument)
DestinationClipWidth property (ILEADRasterDocument)
DestinationHeight property (ILEADRasterDocument)
DestinationLeft property (ILEADRasterDocument)
DestinationTop property (ILEADRasterDocument)
DestinationWidth property (ILEADRasterDocument)
DetectOrientationDegree property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with a Dictionary
   Working with a Dictionary
DictionaryDefaultSection property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   DictionaryDefaultSection property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with a Dictionary
DictionaryFileName property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   DictionaryFileName property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with a Dictionary
DictionaryItemAttribute property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   DictionaryItemAttribute property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with a Dictionary
DictionaryState property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   DictionaryState property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with a Dictionary
Distributing an application
DLLName property (ILTFileFormatInfo)
Document options
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Document Options
   Using the Document Options
Document pages
Document/Medical Support and Licensing Requirements
DocumentOptions property (ILTResultOptions)
   DocumentOptions property (ILTResultOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Handling the Results of the Recognition Process
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Document Options
Drawing Pages and Zones
DrawPage method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   DrawPage method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Drawing Pages and Zones
DrawPersistence property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   DrawPersistence property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Drawing Pages and Zones
Dynamic Link Libraries

EnableCorrection property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   EnableCorrection property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Recognizing Document Pages
EnableFill property (ILTOMROptions)
   EnableFill property (ILTOMROptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the OMR Options
EnableFireRecognizeStatus property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   EnableFireRecognizeStatus property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Recognizing Document Pages
EnableForceSingleColumn property (ILEADRasterDocument)
EnableMethodErrors property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   EnableMethodErrors property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Recognizing Document Pages
EnablePageBreaks property
EnablePageBreaks property (ILTDocumentOptions)
EnableParallelRecognition property (ILEADRasterDocument)
EnableProgressStatusEvent property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   EnableProgressStatusEvent property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Recognizing Document Pages
   Quick Reference OCR: Starting and Shutting Down the Engine
EnableSaveResultsToMemory property (ILEADRasterDocument)
EnableShowZones property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   EnableShowZones property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Drawing Pages and Zones
EnableSpace property (ILTHandPrintOptions)
   EnableSpace property (ILTHandPrintOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the HandPrint Options
EnableStopRecognizeStatus property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   EnableStopRecognizeStatus property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Recognizing Document Pages
EnableSubsystem property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   EnableSubSystem property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Recognizing Document Pages
EnableTextInBoxes property (ILTDocumentOptions)
   EnableTextInBoxes property (ILTDocumentOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Document Options
EnableVerificationEvent property (ILTZoneData)
   EnableVerificationEvent property (ILTZoneData)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the ILTZoneData Properties
EnableZoneForceSingleColumn property (ILEADRasterDocument)
EnumOutputFileFormats event (ILTRasterDocument)
   EnumOutputFileFormats event (ILTRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Handling the Results of the Recognition Process
Error codes
Example programs
   Miscellaneous Examples (Visual Basic)
   Miscellaneous Examples (Visual C++ 5.0 and later)
ExportPage method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   ExportPage method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with Pages
ExportZones method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   ExportZones method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with Zones
ExtName property (ILTFileFormatInfo)

FileFormatInfo property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   FileFormatInfo property (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Handling the Results of the Recognition Process
FillMethod property (ILTZoneData)
   FillMethod property (ILTZoneData)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the ILTZoneData Properties
FindZones method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   FindZones method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with Zones
FirstLineIndent property (ILTParagraphOptions)
   FirstLineIndent property (ILTParagraphOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Paragraph Options
Flags property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
Flags property (ILTZoneData)
   Flags property (ILTZoneData)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the ILTZoneData Properties
Font property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
   Font property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using Recognized Characters
FontNames property (ILTCharacterOptions)
   FontNames property (ILTCharacterOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Character Options
FontSize property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
FontSize property (ILTRecognizedCharacters) ZoneIndex property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
Format property (ILTResultOptions)
   Format property (ILTResultOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Handling the Results of the Recognition Process
FormatLevel property (ILTResultOptions)
   FormatLevel property (ILTResultOptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Handling the Results of the Recognition Process
FormatName property (ILTFileFormatInfo)
   FormatName property (ILTFileFormatInfo)
   Quick Reference OCR: Handling the Results of the Recognition Process
Frame property (ILTOMROptions)
   Frame property (ILTOMROptions)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the OMR Options

GetAutoZoneOptions method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   GetAutoZoneOptions method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with Zones
GetFileFormatInfo method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   GetFileFormatInfo method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Handling the Results of the Recognition Process
GetHandPrintOptions method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   GetHandPrintOptions method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the HandPrint Options
GetOMROptions method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   GetOMROptions method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the OMR Options
GetOutputFileFormats method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   GetOutputFileFormats method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Handling the Results of the Recognition Process
GetRecognitionResultOptions method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   GetRecognitionResultOptions method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Handling the Results of the Recognition Process
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Character Options
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Mark Options
   Quick Reference OCR: Using the Paragraph Options
GetRecognizedCharacters method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   GetRecognizedCharacters method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Recognizing Document Pages
   Quick Reference OCR: Using Recognized Characters
   Working with Recognized Words
GetRecognizedWords method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   GetRecognizedWords method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with Recognized Words
   Working with Recognized Words
GetStatus method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   GetStatus method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Getting Status Updates
   Quick Reference OCR: Recognizing Document Pages
Getting Status Updates
   Getting Status Updates
   Quick Reference OCR: Getting Status Updates
GetUserDictionarySection method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   GetUserDictionarySection method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with a Dictionary
GetUserDictionarySectionItem method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   GetUserDictionarySectionItem method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with a Dictionary
GetZoneInfo method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   GetZoneInfo method (ILEADRasterDocument)
   Quick Reference OCR: Working with Zones
GuessCode property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
   GuessCode property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using Recognized Characters
GuessCode2 property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
   GuessCode2 property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using Recognized Characters
GuessCode3 property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
   GuessCode3 property (ILTRecognizedCharacters)
   Quick Reference OCR: Using Recognized Characters
