CaptureArea method (ILEADRasterScr)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short CaptureArea (short iAreaType);


Refer to Implementing Screen Capture.


Captures the specified type of area from the full screen. Any area outside the region will be filled according to the values set in the CaptureAreaFillPattern, CaptureAreaFillForeColor, and CaptureAreaFillBackColor properties.

If the CaptureAreaBitmapWithRegion property property is TRUE, the captured bitmap will contain a region of the specified shape.

Capture is performed using the hot key. By default, the hot key is F11.


The user must call StopCapture if a capture operation has been started (for example, waiting for a hot key to be pressed) before the user allows the main window/application to terminate.

See Also


CaptureActiveClient method, CaptureActiveWindow method, CaptureFullScreen method, CaptureMenuUnderCursor method, CaptureWindowUnderCursor method, CaptureWallPaper, CaptureSelectedObject method, CaptureMouseCursor method, CaptureOptionDlg method, CaptureAreaOptionDlg method, CaptureObjectOptionDlg method, CaptureEXE method, CaptureEXEDlg method, CaptureAreaShowAreaSize property, CaptureAreaShowInfoWindow property, CaptureAreaSensitiveInfoWindow property, CaptureAreaInfoLeft property, CaptureAreaInfoTop property, CaptureAreaInfoWidth property, CaptureAreaIncludeCursor property, CaptureAreaDrawCursor property, CaptureAreaDrawCursorIndex property, CaptureAreaZoomFactor property, Bitmap, CaptureImage event


Screen Capture: Capturing images