Version 13
Version 13 is the first version of LEADTOOLS Screen Capture COM objects.
Screen Capture capabilities becomes the 15th imaging technology category found in LEADTOOLS. New properties, methods, and events allow you to capture all or part of the screen into a bitmap. Capture the entire screen, active window, menu under cursor, window under cursor (button, tool bar, icon, or client area), selected object, mouse cursor or wallpaper. Allows for capture of a selected area of the screen in a wide array of shapes such as rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse, polygon or freehand. Icon, bitmap and cursor resources can be captured from 32-bit Windows EXE and DLL files. Options include Multi-capture with callback, Hot Keys, and time interval. Great for presentation and application documentation.
The rest of this topic lists the new properties, methods, and events.
Screen Capture:
CaptureWindowUnderCursor method
CaptureGetResourceCount method
CaptureInfoResourceId property
CaptureHotKeyModifiers property
CaptureObjectBorderWidth property
CaptureObjectEnableKeyboard property
CaptureObjectSelectCursor property
CaptureObjectSelectCursorIndex property
CaptureAreaBitmapWithRegion property
CaptureAreaDrawCursor property
CaptureAreaDrawCursorIndex property
CaptureAreaDrawEllipseHeight property
CaptureAreaDrawEllipseWidth property
CaptureAreaDrawLineColor property
CaptureAreaDrawLineStyle property
CaptureAreaEnableKeyboard property
CaptureAreaFillBackColor property
CaptureAreaFillForeColor property
CaptureAreaFillPattern property
CaptureAreaIncludeCursor property
CaptureAreaInfoHeight property
CaptureAreaSensitiveInfoWindow property
CaptureAreaShowAreaSize property
CaptureAreaShowCursorPosition property
CaptureAreaShowDrawCursor property
CaptureAreaShowInfoWindow property
CaptureAreaShowOpaqueText property
CaptureAreaTextBackColor property
CaptureAreaTextForeColor property
CaptureAreaZoomFactor property
CaptureStatusCursorIndex property