Miscellaneous Examples (Delphi 4.0)

You can test the following examples by either adding a command button to one of the previous lessons in the tutorial and pasting the sample code in the Click procedure, or by cutting and pasting event code into the appropriate event in a lesson.

CaptureActiveClient Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureActiveWindow Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureArea Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureAreaOptionDlg Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureEXE Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureEXEDlg Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureFullScreen Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureGetResourceCount Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureHotKey Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureMenuUnderCursor Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureMouseCursor Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureObjectOptionDlg Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureOptionDlg Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureSelectedObject Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureWallPaper Example for Delphi 4.0

CaptureWindowUnderCursor Example for Delphi 4.0

OnCaptureHotKeyPressed Example for Delphi 4.0

OnCaptureImage Example for Delphi 4.0

StartCapture Example for Delphi 4.0