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AnnTextPointerObject Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Leadtools.Annotations Namespace : AnnTextPointerObject Class

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnTextPointerObject.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorAnnTextPointerObject ConstructorOverloaded.  This constructor is required by ISerializable.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyAlignment Gets or sets a value that indicates the text alignment. (Inherited from AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyBoundingRectangleOverridden.  Gets the logical bounding rectangle of this AnnTextPointerObject object.  
Public PropertyBounds Gets or sets the bounding rectangle for this AnnRectangleObject. (Inherited from AnnRectangleObject)
Public PropertyBrush Gets or sets the AnnBrush associated with this AnnDrawable object. (Inherited from AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyContainer Gets or sets the AnnContainer that contains this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyEdgeMargin Gets or sets the margin between the text and the Bounds bounding rectangle. (Inherited from AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyFixedPointer Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the pointer of this AnnTextPointerObject object is fixed.  
Public PropertyFont Gets or sets the AnnFont associated with this AnnDrawable object. (Inherited from AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyGripperDistance The distance in pixels that the RotateGripper control point is originally placed from the bounds of the AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyGroup Gets or sets the AnnGroupObject that contains this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyHasBrush Gets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawable object has a brush. (Inherited from AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyHasFont Gets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawable object has a font. (Inherited from AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyHasPen Gets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawable object has a pen. (Inherited from AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyHyperlink Gets or sets a string which represents the hyperlink for this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyInvalidRectangle Gets the physical bounding rectangle of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyIsFixedStateStackEmpty true if the fixed stack is empty; false otherwise. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyIsLocked Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnObject is locked. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyLineAlignment Gets or sets the line alignment information. (Inherited from AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyName Gets or sets the name of the AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameBackColor Gets or sets the color used to fill the background of the name of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameFont Gets or sets the font used to draw the text of the name of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameForeColor Gets or sets the color used to draw the text of the name of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameOffset Gets or sets the name offset relative to the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameRestrict Gets or sets a value indicating whether this AnnObject name is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the Container. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyNameVisible Gets or sets a value to determine whether to draw the name of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyOrigin Gets the logical origin of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyPassword Gets the password used in the last successful lock operation of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyPen Gets or sets the AnnPen associated with this AnnDrawable object. (Inherited from AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyPhysicalTransform Returns the current physical transformation Matrix of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyPointerPosition Gets or sets the position of this AnnTextPointerObject object's pointer.  
Public PropertyRotateCenter The location of the rotate center control point. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyRotateGripper The location of the rotate gripper control point. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertySerializePassword Gets or sets a value indicating whether the password is saved when this AnnObject is serialized. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertySupportsBrush Gets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawable object supports a brush. (Inherited from AnnDrawable)
Public PropertySupportsFixed true if this AnnObject can be fixed; false otherwise (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertySupportsFont Gets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawable object supports a font. (Inherited from AnnDrawable)
Public PropertySupportsPen Gets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawable object supports a pen. (Inherited from AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyTag Gets or sets the tag of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyText Gets or sets the text string associated with this AnnTextObject class object. (Inherited from AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyTextColor Gets or sets the text Color structure associated with this AnnDrawable object. (Inherited from AnnDrawable)
Public PropertyTextImplemented Gets a value that indicates whether this object implements the IAnnTextObject interface. (Inherited from AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyTextRotate Gets or sets the rotation value. (Inherited from AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyTransform Returns the current transformation Matrix of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyTransformObjectModeOverridden.  Gets a value that determines how to transform this AnnTextPointerObject when any object transformation method is called.  
Public PropertyUserData Gets or sets the user-defined data of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether the AnnObject is visible. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public PropertyWin32ObjectIdOverridden.  For internal use.  

Protected Properties

Protected PropertyHitTestInterior Gets a value indicating whether hit-testing should be performed inside this AnnTextObject object. (Inherited from AnnTextObject)
Protected PropertyUnitConverter Gets the AnnUnitConverter that will be used in this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)

Public Methods

Public MethodCalculateRotateAngle The AnnRectangleObject implementation of CalculateRotateAngle. (Inherited from AnnRectangleObject)
Public MethodCloneOverridden.  Creates an exact copy of this AnnTextPointerObject object.  
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded.  Releases the resources used by the AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodDraw Draws this AnnObject on the specified surface. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodGetFixedState Determines if this AnnObject is in a fixed state. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodGetGraphicsPathOverridden.  Returns a GraphicsPath representation of this AnnTextPointerObject.  
Public MethodGetObjectDataOverridden.  Populates a specified SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize this object.  
Public MethodHitTest Performs hit-testing on this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodLock Locks this AnnObject with the specified password. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodPopFixedState Re-enables the fixed state of an AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodPushFixedState Temporarily disables the fixed state of an AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodResetRotatePoints Resets the RotateCenter and RotateGripper control points to a default location. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodResetTransform Resets the transformation matrix of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodRestoreOriginalLocation The AnnRectangleObject implementation of RestoreOriginalLocation. (Inherited from AnnRectangleObject)
Public MethodRestrictName Restricts the name to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the Container of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodRotate Rotates the transformation matrix of this AnnObject around a point. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodSaveOriginalLocation The AnnRectangleObject implementation of SaveOriginalLocation. (Inherited from AnnRectangleObject)
Public MethodScale Scales the transformation matrix of this AnnObject by the specified ratios. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodSetFixedState Sets the fixed state of an AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodToString Overridden. Converts the attributes of this AnnObject to a human-readable string. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodTransformRotatePoints Applies the transformer to the rotate control points. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodTranslate Translates the transformation matrix of this AnnObject by the specified values. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public MethodUnlock Unlocks this AnnObject with the specified password. (Inherited from AnnObject)

Protected Methods

Protected MethodBeginDraw Called by the Draw method to set up the object's PhysicalTransform matrix into the g graphics surface. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Protected MethodCreateOverridden.  Creates a new instance of this AnnTextPointerObject.  
Protected MethodDrawLocked Draws this AnnObject locked picture on the specified surface. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Protected MethodDrawName Draws this AnnObject name on the specified surface. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Protected MethodDrawObject Draws this AnnTextObject object on the specified surface. (Inherited from AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodEndDraw Called by the Draw method to reset the graphics transformation. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Protected MethodFinalize This member overrides Finalize. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Protected MethodGetTransformPointsOverridden.  Gets the array of points to be transformed.  
Protected MethodNameHitTest Performs hit-testing on this AnnObject name. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Protected MethodSetTransformPointsOverridden.  Sets the array of transformed points.  

See Also

Leadtools.Annotations requires a Document or Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Raster Pro/Document/Medical Features