Visual Basic (Declaration) | |
Public Enum DicomExceptionCode Inherits Enum |
Visual Basic (Usage) | ![]() |
C# | |
public enum DicomExceptionCode : Enum |
Managed Extensions for C++ | |
__value public enum DicomExceptionCode : public Enum |
C++/CLI | |
public enum class DicomExceptionCode : public Enum |
Member | Description |
Success | Success. |
SupportLocked | Dicom support is locked. You must unlock the Medical Support. |
NoMemory | Insufficient memory. |
Open | Error opening the file. |
Read | Error reading the file. |
Write | Error writing to a file. |
Seek | Error during search. |
End | Error - end of file. |
Format | Improper file format. |
Parameter | Incorrect parameter. |
Image | Improper image. |
Compression | Improper compression. |
PhotometricInterpretation | Improper photometric type. |
Conversion | Error converting the file. |
Range | Out of range. |
BitsPerPixel | Improper bits per pixel. |
QualityFactor | Improper quality factor. |
ElementLengthOdd | Element Length Odd |
DICOMDIRFolder | The destination folder of the DICOMDIR File is not specified = DicomExceptionCodeHelper., or the specified folder doesn’t exist. |
File | The file doesn’t reside in the destination folder of the DICOMDIR File or in a subfolder of it = DicomExceptionCodeHelper., or the file doesn’t exist. |
FileId | The File ID of the specified file is invalid. Refer to the RejectInvalidFileID property for more information. |
J2KLocked | J2K support is locked. |
LutDescriptorMissing | LUT descriptor is missing. |
ModalityLutMissing | Modality LUT is missing. |
BadPixelRepresentation | Bad pixel representation. |
PaletteColorLutDataMissing | Palette color LUT is missing. |
FeatureNotSupported | Feature not supported. |
VoiLutMissing | VOI LUT is missing. |
OverlayAttributesMissing | Overlay attributes are missing. |
OverlayActivationLayerMissing | Overlay activation layer element is missing. |
OverlayDataMissing | Overlay data element is missing. |
InvalidStructSize | Invalid structure size. |
NULLPointer | NULL pointer. |
ImageProcessingAssemblyMissing | LTIMG DLL is missing. |
CryptoLibraryLoadFailed | Failed to load the underlying cryptographic library. |
InvalidMacTransferSyntax | Unable to change to the MAC Calculation Transfer Syntax. |
PrivateKeyLoadFailed | Failed to load the private key from the specified file. |
CertificateLoadFailed | Failed to load the digital certificate from the specified file. |
CertificateReadFailed | Failed to read the digital certificate from the Data Set. |
KeysMismatch | The specified private key doesn’t match the public key in the specified digital certificate. |
InvalidMacAlgorithm | The specified Digital Signature Security Profile doesn’t allow the use of the specified MAC Algorithm. |
InvalidEncryptionAlgorithm | The specified Digital Signature Security Profile doesn’t allow the use of the encryption algorithm implied by the specified keys. |
MacIDNumberAllocateFailed | All possible values for the MAC ID Number are already used in the associated MAC Parameters Sequence. |
CryptoLibFailure | The underlying cryptographic library failed. |
MacParameterMissing | Failed to verify the Digital Signature because one or more of the MAC Parameters are missing. |
MacIDNumberMissing | Failed to verify the Digital Signature because no MAC Parameters Sequence Item is referenced. |
UnknownMacAlgorithm | Failed to verify the Digital Signature because the specified MAC Algorithm is unknown. |
SignatureMissing | Failed to verify the Digital Signature because the Signature is missing. |
InvalidSignature | The Digital Signature is invalid or at least one of the Digital Signatures in the Data Set is invalid. |
CmpCodecMissing | LFCMP DLL is missing. |
J2KCodecMissing | LFJ2K DLL is missing. |
CantReplaceExistingCharacterSet | Can’t replace Existing Character Set. |
PrintSCUClassNotSupported | The required SOP/Meta SOP Class is not supported on the Association (refer to the method itself) |
PrintSCUTimeout | Timed out (refer to the Timeout property) |
PrintSCUAssociateRQRejected | The Association request was rejected by the Print SCP (refer to the Associate method) |
PrintSCUFailureStatus | The response of the Print SCP specifies a Failure status code (the operation was not performed). |
BadPDUType | Improper PDU type. |
BadPDULength | Improper PDU length. |
BadPDUID | Improper PDU ID. |
NetFailure | Network failure. |
NetAccess | The address is a broadcast address |
NetAddressInUse | The address is already in use |
NetAddressNotAvailable | The address is not available from the local computer |
NetAddressNotSupported | The address family is not supported |
NetConnectionAborted | The virtual circuit was aborted |
NetConnectionRefused | The attempt to connect was forcefully rejected |
NetConnectionReset | The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side |
NetDestinationRequired | A destination address is required |
NetArgumentIncorrect | The namelen argument is incorrect |
NetBlockingOperationInProgress | A blocking operation is in progress |
NetBlockingCanceled | The blocking call was canceled |
NetInvalidSocket | The socket has not been bound with bind |
NetSocketAlreadyConnected | The socket is already connected |
NetNoMoreFile | No more file descriptors are available |
NetMessageSize | The datagram is larger than the maximum supported |
NetDown | The network subsystem has failed |
NetReset | The connection must be reset |
NetUnReach | The network can't be reached from this host at this time |
NetNoBuffers | No buffer space is available |
NetNotConnected | The socket is not connected |
NetNotSocket | The descriptor is not a socket |
NetOperationNotSupported | The type does not support connection-oriented service |
NetProtocolNotSupported | The specified protocol is not supported |
NetProtocolType | The specified protocol is the wrong type |
NetShutdown | The socket has been shut down |
NetSocketNotSupported | The type is not supported in this address family |
NetTimeout | Attempt to connect timed out without establishing a connection |
NetWouldBlock | The socket is marked as nonblocking and the requested operation would block |
NetHostNotFound | Authoritative Answer Host not found |
NetNoData | Valid name = DicomExceptionCodeHelper., no data record of requested type |
NetNoRecovery | Nonrecoverable errors |
NetNotInitialised | The system was not initialized |
NetSystemNotReady | Not ready for network communication |
NetTryAgain | Non-Authoritative Host not found, or server failed |
NetVersionNotSupported | The version requested is not provided by this implementation |
NetSecurityBreach | There is a cryptographic error. |
TLSInternalError | TLS internal error |
SecurityLocked | DICOM Security Features are locked |
TLSLibraryNotLoaded | TLS and/or CRY DLL not loaded |
BadSecurityMode | ISCL operation attempted on TLS object |
AnnotationFailure | Annotation error |
AnnotationSupport | Annotation support is locked |
AnnotationAssemblyMissing | Annotation dll is missing |
TagAlreadyExists | LEAD private creator element already exists |
AnnotationFileDoesntExist | Requested annotation file or page does not exist |
TLSCloseNotify | Error in close notification |
TLSUnexpectedMessage | Unexpected message |
TLSBadRecordMac | Bad record message authentication code |
TLSDecryptFailed | Decryption failed |
TLSRecordOverflow | Record overflow |
TLSDecompressionFailure | Decompression failed |
TLSHandshakeFailure | Handshake failed |
TLSBadCertificate | Bad certificate |
TLSUnsupportedCertificate | Unsupported certificate |
TLSCertificateRevoked | Certificate revoked |
TLSCertificateExpired | Certificate Expired |
TLSCertificateUnknown | Certificate unknown |
TLSIllegalParameter | Illegal parameter |
TLSUnknownCa | Unknown certificate authenticator |
TLSAccessDenied | Access denied |
TLSDecodeError | Error decoding |
TLSDecryptError | Decryption error |
TLSExportRestriction | Export restriction |
TLSProtocolVersion | Wrong protocol version |
TLSInsufficientSecurity | Insufficient security |
TLSInternalError1 | Internal error Call LEAD |
TLSUserCanceled | User cancelled |
TLSNoRenegotiation | No renegotiation |
TLSNoKeepalive | "Windows Sockets provider" does not support the use of keep-alives. |
TLSClosedControlled | An error occurred and the connection was closed gracefully. |
TLSUnableToGetIssuerCert | "Unable to get issuer certificate" |
TLSUnableToGetCrl | "Unable to get CRL" |
TLSUnableToDecryptCertSignature | "Unable to decrypt certificate signature" |
TLSUnableToDecryptCrlSignature | "unable to decrypt CRL signature" |
TLSUnableToDecodeIssuerPublicKey | "unable to decode issuer public key" |
TLSCertSignatureFailure | "Certificate signature failure" |
TLSCrlSignatureFailure | "Error TLS CRL Signature Failure" |
TLSCertNotYetValid | "Error TLS Certificate Not Yet Valid" |
TLSCertHasExpired | "Error TLS Certificate Has Expired" |
TLSCrlNotYetValid | "Error TLS CRL Not Yet Valid" |
TLSCrlHasExpired | "Error TLS CRL Has Expired" |
TLSErrorInCertNotBeforeField | "Error TLS Error In Certificate Not Before Field" |
TLSErrorInCertNotAfterField | "Error TLS Error In Certificate Not After Field" |
TLSErrorInCrlLastUpdateField | "Error TLS Error In CRL Last Update Field" |
TLSErrorInCrlNextUpdateField | "Error TLS Error In CRL Next Update Field" |
TLSOutOfMem | "Error TLS Out Of Memory" |
TLSDepthZeroSelfSignedCert | "Error TLS Depth Zero Self Signed Certificate" |
TLSSelfSignedCertInChain | "Error TLS Self Signed Certificate In Chain" |
TLSUnableToGetIssuerCertLocally | "Error TLS Unable To Get Issuer Certificate Locally". |
TLSUnableToVerifyLeafSignature | "Error TLS Unable To Verify Leaf Signature". |
TLSCertChainTooLong | "Error TLS Certificate Chain Too Long". |
TLSCertRevoked | "Error TLS Certificate Revoked". |
TLSInvalidCa | "Error TLS Invalid CA". |
TLSPathLengthExceeded | "Error TLS Path Length Exceeded". |
TLSInvalidPurpose | "Error TLS Invalid Purpose". |
TLSCertUntrusted | "Error TLS Certificate Untrusted". |
TLSCertRejected | "Error TLS Certificate Rejected". |
TLSSubjectIssuerMismatch | "Error TLS Subject Issuer Mismatch". |
TLSAkidSkidMismatch | "Error TLS AKID SKID Mismatch". |
TLSAkidIssuerSerialMismatch | "Error TLS AKID Issuer Serial Mismatch". |
TLSKeyusageNoCertsign | "Error TLS Keyusage No Certsign". |
TLSApplicationVerification | "Error TLS Application Verification". |
TLSInvalidCtx | "Error TLS Invalid SSL Context". |
TLSInvalidCtxVerifyDepth | "Error TLS Invalid SSL Context Verify Depth". |
TLSInvalidCtxVerifyMode | "Error TLS Invalid SSL Context Verify Mode". |
TLSInvalidCtxCafile | "Error TLS Invalid SSL Context CA File". |
ISCLBadOption | Bad option |
ISCLBadLength | Bad length |
ISCLLocalIccard | Error in the local IC card |
ISCLRemoteIccard | Error in the remote IC card |
ISCLBadMsgid | Bad message ID |
ISCLBadVersion | Bad version number |
ISCLBadMutualAuthMethod | Bad mutual authentication mode |
ISCLBadCommblockLength | Bad communication block length |
ISCLReceivedNak | Received a 'Not Acknowledged' message |
ISCLMsgTransmission | Error in the message transmission |
ISCLPeerSmallLength | Peer small length |
ISCLLocalSmallLength | Local small length |
ISCLDecrypt | Decryption error |
ISCLBadMac | Bad message authentication code |
ISCLRndNoForSessionKeyExpected | Round number for session key expected. |
ISCLPeerRefuseClose | Peer refused close request |
Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family