
#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LBitmap::DrawStar(pStarInfo)

pSTARINFO pStarInfo;

/*pointer to a structure */

Draws a star on the bitmap. This function is available in the Raster Pro and above toolkits.




Pointer to an LPSTARINFO structure that contains star information.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


If the bitmap has a region, the effect will be applied on the region only.

This function supports 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images. Support for 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images is available only in the Document/Medical toolkits.

To update a status bar or detect a user interrupt during execution of this function, refer to LBase::EnableStatusCallback.

This function does not support signed data images. It returns the error code ERROR_SIGNED_DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED if a signed data image is passed to this function.

This function does not support 32-bit grayscale images. It returns the error code ERROR_GRAY32_UNSUPPORTED if a 32-bit grayscale image is passed to this function.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


LBitmap::AdjustTint. LBitmap::ColorHalfTone, LBitmap::BricksTexture, LBitmap::Canvas, LBitmap::Clouds, LBitmap::ColoredBalls, LBitmap::DiffuseGlow, LBitmap::DisplaceMap, LBitmap::Fragment, LBitmap::HalfTonePattern, LBitmap::MaskConvolution, LBitmap::MosaicTiles, LBitmap::Offset, LBitmap::Perspective, LBitmap::PlasmaFilter, LBitmap::Pointillist, LBitmap::RomanMosaic, LBitmap::Vignette, LBitmap::ZigZag, LBitmap::AddNoise, LBitmap::Emboss, LBitmap::Mosaic, LBitmap::MotionBlur, LBitmap::Oilify, LBitmap::Posterize, LBitmap::RemoveRedeye, LBitmap::Solarize, LBitmapBase::Underlay,.LBitmap::BumpMap, LBitmap::Cubism, LBitmap::DrawStar, LBitmap::Dry, LBitmap::FreePlaneBend, LBitmap::FreeRadBend, LBitmap::GlassEffect, LBitmap::GlowFilter, LBitmap::LensFlare, LBitmap::Light, LBitmap::Ocean, LBitmap::PlaneBend, LBitmap::Plane, LBitmap::SampleTarget, LBitmap::Tunnel, LBitmap::Bending, LBitmap::Cylindrical, LBitmap::FreeHandShear, LBitmap::FreeHandWave, LBitmap::Impressionist, LBitmap::Pixelate, LBitmap::Polar, LBitmap::Punch, LBitmap::RadialBlur, LBitmap::RadWave, LBitmap::Ripple, LBitmap::Spherize, LBitmap::Swirl, LBitmap::Wave, LBitmap::Wind, LBitmap::ZoomBlur, LBitmap::ZoomWave


Raster Image Functions: Artistic Effects


Applying Artistic Effects


Raster Image Functions: Correcting Colors


L_INT LBitmap__DrawStarExample(LAnimationWindow *BitmapWindow) 
   STARINFO StarInfo; 
   StarInfo.uStructSize     = sizeof(STARINFO); 
   StarInfo.nAngle      = 0; 
   StarInfo.nAngleOpac  = 0; 
   StarInfo.nBorderOpac = 0; 
   StarInfo.nDistOpac   = 0; 
   StarInfo.nPhase      = 0; 
   StarInfo.nSpokeDiv   = 0; 
   StarInfo.pCenter.x   = BitmapWindow->GetWidth()/2; 
   StarInfo.pCenter.y   = BitmapWindow->GetHeight ()/2; 
   StarInfo.uFlag       = STR_INSIDE; 
   StarInfo.uHoleSize   = 50; 
   StarInfo.uOpacity    = 100; 
   StarInfo.uSpoke      = 5; 
   StarInfo.uStarHeight = BitmapWindow->GetHeight()/2; 
   StarInfo.uStarWidth  = BitmapWindow->GetWidth()/2; 
   StarInfo.crFillUpper = RGB(255, 0, 0); 
   StarInfo.crFillLower = RGB(0, 0, 255); 
   return BitmapWindow->DrawStar(&StarInfo); 