C++ Code Samples

You can test the following examples by cutting and pasting the sample code into the appropriate project.

Accessing the IMediaSample Interface for C++

Adding a Custom Target Format for C++

Adding Windows Media Support to the ltmmCapture Object for C++

Adding Windows Media Support to the ltmmConvert Object for C++

Adding Windows Media Support to the ltmmPlay Object for C++

Advanced Capture Application for C++

Capture to Play Object Interfacing for C++

Concatenate two AVI files using IltmmMultiStreamSource and IltmmMultiStreamTarget Example for C++

Copying ltmmMedia Sample Attributes and Data for C++

Copying ltmmMediaType Attributes and Data for C++

Creating an AVI File from Bitmaps Using ltmmSampleSource for C++

Creating DVD Images for C++

DVD Source for C++

Enumerating MPEG2 Format Compatible Compressors Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::Cancel Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::EjectDisc Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::Erase Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_AutoEject Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_CurrentDrive Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_CurrentSpeed Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_DiscCapacity Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_DiscType Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_DriveCount Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_Ejectable Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_Eraseable Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_ImageSize Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_InputPath Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_ISOOutputFile Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_LastError Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_Loadable Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_SpeedCount Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_SpeedListChanged Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_State Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_SystemSupported Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_TestWriteable Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_VolumeName Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::get_Writeable Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::GetDiscTypeName Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::GetDiscTypeWriteable Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::GetDriveDiscType Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::GetDriveDiscTypeCount Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::GetDriveId Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::GetDriveName Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::GetProgress Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::GetSpeedName Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::GetSpeedValue Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::LoadDisc Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::put_InputPath Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::put_ISOOutputFile Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::put_VolumeName Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::RefreshDriveList Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::RefreshSpeedList Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::TestWrite Example for C++

ILTDVDBurner::Write Example for C++

IltmmAnalogVideoDecoder::get_AvailableTVFormats Example for C++

IltmmAnalogVideoDecoder::put_TVFormat Example for C++

IltmmAudioFormats::get_Count Example for C++

IltmmAudioInput::get_Bass Example for C++

IltmmAudioInputs::get_Bass Example for C++

IltmmAudioInputs::put_Enable Example for C++

IltmmCameraControl::GetRange Example for C++

IltmmCapture::CanSaveObjectSettings Example for C++

IltmmCapture::EnterEdit Example for C++

IltmmCapture::EstimateOutputBitRate Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_AudioCaptureFormats Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_CameraControl Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_CaptureStillDelay Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_DVDecoderResolution Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_InterleaveMode Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_PreviewingCloseCaption Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_TargetStream Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_TVTuner Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_UseVideoDeviceAudio Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_UsingDVDecoder Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_VideoCaptureStreamType Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_VideoCaptureSubTypes Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_VideoWindowHandle Example for C++

IltmmCapture::get_WMProfile Example for C++

IltmmCapture::GetSubObjectDispatch Example for C++

IltmmCapture::IsPreviewTapSupported Example for C++

IltmmCapture::LoadSettingsFromFile Example for C++

IltmmCapture::put_TargetStream Example for C++

IltmmCapture::put_WMProfile Example for C++

IltmmCapture::SaveSettingsToFile Example for C++

IltmmCapture::SaveSettingsToStream Example for C++

IltmmCapture::SaveStillBitmap Example for C++

IltmmCapture::SaveStillDIB Example for C++

IltmmCapture::SetVideoWindowPos Example for C++

IltmmCaptureInputs::get_NearestSelection Example for C++

IltmmCaptureSubTypes::get_Count Example for C++

IltmmCompressor::get_Reliability Example for C++

IltmmConvert::CanSaveObjectSettings Example for C++

IltmmConvert::EstimateOutputBitRate Example for C++

IltmmConvert::EstimateOutputSize Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_DVDControl Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_DVDecoderResolution Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_EnableStillCapture Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_InterleaveMode Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_PercentCompleteScalar Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_PreferredMPEG2Splitter Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_Preview Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_PreviewVisible Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_SourceAudioFormat Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_SourceAudioType Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_SourceStream Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_SourceVideoFOURCC Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_SourceVideoType Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_UsingDVDecoder Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_VideoWindowFrame Example for C++

IltmmConvert::get_WMProfile Example for C++

IltmmConvert::GetSubObjectDispatch Example for C++

IltmmConvert::LoadSettingsFromFile Example for C++

IltmmConvert::PauseConvert Example for C++

IltmmConvert::put_AllowedStreams Example for C++

IltmmConvert::put_DVDecoderResolution Example for C++

IltmmConvert::put_InterleaveMode Example for C++

IltmmConvert::put_Preview Example for C++

IltmmConvert::put_PreviewVisible Example for C++

IltmmConvert::put_VideoWindowFrame Example for C++

IltmmConvert::RunConvert Example for C++

IltmmConvert::SaveSettingsToFile Example for C++

IltmmConvert::SaveSettingsToStream Example for C++

IltmmDVDControl::GetButtonAtPosition Example for C++

IltmmMemory::get_GrowBy Example for C++

IltmmPlay::CanSaveObjectSettings Example for C++

IltmmPlay::get_AllowedStreams Example for C++

IltmmPlay::get_DVDControl Example for C++

IltmmPlay::get_DVDecoderResolution Example for C++

IltmmPlay::get_MidiRenderers Example for C++

IltmmPlay::get_PreferredMPEG2Splitter Example for C++

IltmmPlay::get_SourceAudioFormat Example for C++

IltmmPlay::get_SourceAudioType Example for C++

IltmmPlay::get_SourceStream Example for C++

IltmmPlay::get_SourceVideoFOURCC Example for C++

IltmmPlay::get_SourceVideoType Example for C++

IltmmPlay::get_StillTap Example for C++

IltmmPlay::get_UsingDVDecoder Example for C++

IltmmPlay::get_VideoWindowHandle Example for C++

IltmmPlay::GetSubObjectDispatch Example for C++

IltmmPlay::IsRateSupported Example for C++

IltmmPlay::LoadSettingsfromFile Example for C++

IltmmPlay::put_AllowedStreams Example for C++

IltmmPlay::put_SourceStream Example for C++

IltmmPlay::SaveSettingsToFile Example for C++

IltmmPlay::SaveSettingsToStream Example for C++

IltmmPlay::SaveStillBitmap Example for C++

IltmmPlay::SaveStillDIB Example for C++

IltmmPlay::SetVideoWindowPos Example for C++

IltmmPlay::ToggleCloseCaptioning Example for C++

IltmmProcessor::get_Type Example for C++

IltmmSupportManager::DVDUnlockSupport Example for C++

IltmmTargetFormat::CreateTargetFormats Example for C++

IltmmTVTuner::AutoTune Example for C++

IltmmTVTuner::get_AudioSubChannel Example for C++

IltmmTVTuner::get_AvailableModes Example for C++

IltmmTVTuner::get_AvailableTVFormats Example for C++

IltmmTVTuner::get_ConnectInput Example for C++

IltmmTVTuner::get_CountryCode Example for C++

IltmmTVTuner::get_SignalPresent Example for C++

IltmmTVTuner::get_VideoSubChannel Example for C++

IltmmTVTuner::Logout Example for C++

IltmmTVTuner::put_TuningSpace Example for C++

IltmmTVTuner::SetChannel Example for C++

IltmmTVTuner::SetInputType Example for C++

IltmmVideoFormats::get_Count Example for C++Example for C++

IltmmVideoProcAmp::GetRange Example for C++

IltmmWMProfile::AddStream Example for C++

IltmmWMProfile::get_MutualExclusionCount Example for C++

IltmmWMProfile::get_Version Example for C++

IltmmWMProfile::GetStream Example for C++

IltmmWMProfile::GetStreamByNumber Example for C++

IltmmWMProfileManager::LoadProfileByID Example for C++

IltmmWMProfileManager::SaveProfile Example for C++

Recompressing an AVI File for C++

Recompressing an AVI File Selection for C++

Recompressing an AVI File to a DV Device for C++

Replace Audio using IltmmMultiStreamSource and IltmmMultiStreamTarget Example for C++

Retrieving Media File Information for C++

Selecting ltmmCapture Object Compressors for C++

Selecting ltmmCapture Object Devices for C++

Selecting ltmmCapture Object Inputs for C++

Selecting ltmmCapture Object Processors for C++

Selecting ltmmCapture Object Renderers for C++

Selecting ltmmCapture Object Sizes for C++

Selecting ltmmCapture Object Target Devices for C++

Selecting ltmmCapture Object Target Formats for C++

Selecting ltmmConvert Object Compressors for C++

Selecting ltmmConvert Object Processors for C++

Selecting ltmmConvert Object Target Devices for C++

Selecting ltmmConvert Object Target Formats for C++

Selecting ltmmPlay Object Processors for C++

Selecting ltmmPlay Object Renderers for C++

Simple Media Player for C++

Simple Play Application for C++

Splitting an AVI File into a Multipage TIFF File Using ltmmSampleTarget for C++

Splitting an AVI File into Multiple Bitmaps Using ltmmSampleTarget for C++

The Client Side Example for C++

The Server Side Example for C++

The Server Side 2 Example for C++

Use ltmmMemory for Memory Conversion Example for C++

Using AutoSize with ltmmCapture for C++

Using AutoSize with ltmmPlay for C++

Using Memory Conversions for C++

Writing Windows Media Files for C++