Changes from Version 14 to Version 14.5

Version 14.5 of the LEADTOOLS Multimedia COM has changed from Version 14 as follows:

General changes:

image\sqrblit.gif DVD support; playing, authoring and burning.

image\sqrblit.gif Video streaming

image\sqrblit.gif Videoconferencing

image\sqrblit.gif video-on-demand

image\sqrblit.gif streaming for Microsoft Windows Media Servers

image\sqrblit.gif Other new formats; including: OGG, Network, MPEG1/2, LEAD MP3.

image\sqrblit.gif More control over MM processors, compressors, and formats.

image\sqrblit.gif More control over video inputs, audio inputs, types and subtypes.

image\sqrblit.gif Media file information.

image\sqrblit.gif Camera control (Brightness, Contrast, Zoom, Pan, etc)

image\sqrblit.gif Ability to save capture, convert, and play settings to files and streams.

image\sqrblit.gif Saving still bitmaps (BMP, JPEG, CMP).

image\sqrblit.gif More flexible capturing

Specific changes:


image\sqrblit.gif New capture modes: Mask, Inhibit Run, etc.

image\sqrblit.gif New Target Formats: OGG, dvsd OGG, MPEG1 System, MPEG2 Program This format supports both audio and video files. It is higher quality than MPEG1 and is the standard used for DVD compression., LEAD MP3, DVD, and Network.

image\sqrblit.gif A new capture object is exposed; the Sink object, ltmmCapture_Object_Sink.

image\sqrblit.gif Controlling the interleaving mode when writing AVI files.

image\sqrblit.gif Camera control (Brightness, Contrast, Zoom, Pan, etc)

image\sqrblit.gif Editing mode: changing capturing configuration without rebuilding the graph speeds up the graph modification.

image\sqrblit.gif Saving still bitmaps with control over format and quality.

image\sqrblit.gif Saving capturing settings to files and streams; settings include: processors, compressors, devices, and controls.

image\sqrblit.gif Support for built-in audio sources in video devices.

image\sqrblit.gif Incoming video signal adjustment using the VideoProcAmp interface properties; Brightness, Contrast, Gamma, Hue, etc.

image\sqrblit.gif More control over audio/video inputs, audio/video capture formats, and types and subtypes.

image\sqrblit.gif Support for analog video capture device configuration.


image\sqrblit.gif New Target Formats: OGG, dvsd OGG, MPEG1 System, MPEG2 Program, LEAD MP3, DVD, and Network.

image\sqrblit.gif A new capture object is exposed; the Sink object, ltmmCapture_Object_Sink.

image\sqrblit.gif Controlling the interleaving mode when writing AVI files.

image\sqrblit.gif Saving conversion settings to files and streams; settings include: processors, compressors, devices, and controls.

image\sqrblit.gif Ability to use a preferred MPEG2 splitter when converting MPEG2 files.

image\sqrblit.gif Support for DVD navigation. See the IltmmDVDControl interface.

image\sqrblit.gif More control over conversion progress notification.

image\sqrblit.gif More control over conversion process.


image\sqrblit.gif Saving still bitmaps with control over format and quality.

image\sqrblit.gif Saving player settings to files and streams; settings include: processors, flags, and controls.

image\sqrblit.gif Ability to use a preferred MPEG2 splitter when playing MPEG2 files.

image\sqrblit.gif Support for DVD navigation. See the IltmmDVDControl interface.

image\sqrblit.gif Ability to choose the source for still image capture

Other objects:

image\sqrblit.gif ltmmCompressor: The new get_Reliability function provides a way to check the reliability of a compressor Also known as an encoder Also known as compressor, this is a module or algorithm to compress data. Playing that data back requires a decompressor, or decoder., this is a module or algorithm to compress data. Playing that data back requires a decompressor, or decoder Also known as a decompressor, this is a module or algorithm to decompress data...

image\sqrblit.gif ltmmTargetFormat: A new set of functions provide the ability to check the validity of some compressors (with respect to the selected format), the ability to get the recommended audio and video compressors, and the ability to specify the streams that the format can have.

New objects:

image\sqrblit.gif ILTDVDBurner: provides DVD burner The driver that writes the data (burns the data) to the DVD. It is the software that burns the DVD image A set of files that contain all of the video and audio content for a DVD, organized with a table of contents (optional). See also: Title, Chapter, ISO Image. to the physical media. capability.

image\sqrblit.gif ltmmDVDControl: provides DVD navigation capability.

image\sqrblit.gif lmmCameraControl: For controlling camera settings such as zoom, tilt, iris, etc.

image\sqrblit.gif ltmmVideoProcAmp: For controlling the quality of the incoming video signal (brightness, contrast, etc).

image\sqrblit.gif ltmmMediaInfo: Provides detailed information about media files.

image\sqrblit.gif ltmmVideoFormat: Selecting a video format and retrieving information about the selected format.

image\sqrblit.gif ltmmVideoFormats: A collection of video formats available for a video device. Provides enumeration and selection mechanisms.

image\sqrblit.gif ltmmAudioFormat: Selecting an audio format and retrieving information about the selected format.

image\sqrblit.gif ltmmAudioFormats: A collection of audio formats available for a audio device. Provides enumeration and selection mechanisms.

image\sqrblit.gif ltmmCaptureSubType: Selecting a capture sub type and retrieving information about the selected subtype.

image\sqrblit.gif ltmmCaptureSubTypes: A collection of video capture subtypes supported by the current video device. Provides enumeration and selection mechanisms.

image\sqrblit.gif ltmmAnalogVideoDecoder: Analog video capture devices configuration.

MM Demos:

The new release has the following new demos:

image\sqrblit.gif DVD Authoring demo. (C++ and VB)

image\sqrblit.gif NetServer (videoconferencing) demo. (C++ and VB)

image\sqrblit.gif Net Client (videoconferencing) demo. (C++ and VB)

image\sqrblit.gif MediaInfo. (C++ and VB)

image\sqrblit.gif Audio Video Detection demo. (C++)

image\sqrblit.gif Audio replace demo. (C++ and VB)

image\sqrblit.gif Audio callback demo (C++ and VB)

image\sqrblit.gif ConcatAndResize demo, updated. (C++ and VB)

image\sqrblit.gif ConcatSameSize demo, updated. (C++ and VB)

The rest of this topic lists the new properties, methods and events:


LMNetSnk.ConnectionCount property

LMNetSnk.FirstConnection property

LMNetSnk.LastConnection property

LMNetSnk.ConnectionVersion property

LMNetSnk.RestrictionCount property

LMNetSnk.RequireLogin property

LMNetSnk.UserCount property

LMNetSnk.CloseAll method

LMNetSnk.FindConnection method

LMNetSnk.AddRestriction method

LMNetSnk.RemoveRestriction method

LMNetSnk.GetRestriction method

LMNetSnk.FindRestriction method

LMNetSnk.RemoveAllRestrictions method

LMNetSnk.AddUser method

LMNetSnk.RemoveUser method

LMNetSnk.GetUsername method

LMNetSnk.GetPassword method

LMNetSnk.SetPassword method

LMNetSnk.FindUser method

LMNetSnk.RemoveAllUsers method


LMNetSnkConnection.PrevConnection property

LMNetSnkConnection.NextConnection property

LMNetSnkConnection.ID property

LMNetSnkConnection.Username property

LMNetSnkConnection.Address property

LMNetSnkConnection.Enabled property

LMNetSnkConnection.Connected property

LMNetSnkConnection.Close method


LMNetDmx.BitRate property

LMNetDmx.OutputFileName property

LMNetDmx.ReadMessage method


LMNetMux.BitRate property

LMNetMux.BitRateLimit property

LMNetMux.LiveSource property

LMNetMux.WriteMessage method


ltmmAudioFormat.Selected property

ltmmAudioFormat.SampleFrequency property

ltmmAudioFormat.BitsPerSample property

ltmmAudioFormat.Channels property


ltmmAudioFormats.Count property

ltmmAudioFormats.Selection property

ltmmAudioFormats.Item method

ltmmAudioFormats.Find method


ltmmCameraControl.GetRange method

ltmmCameraControl.Get method

ltmmCameraControl.Set method


ltmmCaptureSubType.FriendlyName property

ltmmCaptureSubType.Name property

ltmmCaptureSubType.Selected property


ltmmCaptureSubTypes.Count property

ltmmCaptureSubTypes.Selection property

ltmmCaptureSubTypes.Find method

ltmmCaptureSubTypes.Item method


ltmmCaptureCtrl.CanSaveObjectSettings method

ltmmCaptureCtrl.EnterEdit method

ltmmCaptureCtrl.AudioCaptureFormats property

ltmmCaptureCtrl.CameraControl property

ltmmCaptureCtrl.CaptureStillDelay property

ltmmCaptureCtrl.InterleaveMode property

ltmmCaptureCtrl.PreviewingCloseCaption property

ltmmCaptureCtrl.VideoCaptureStreamType property

ltmmCaptureCtrl.VideoCaptureSubTypes property

ltmmCaptureCtrl.LeaveEdit method

ltmmCaptureCtrl.LoadSettingsFromFile method

ltmmCaptureCtrl.LoadSettingsFromStream method

ltmmCaptureCtrl.SaveSettingsToFile method

ltmmCaptureCtrl.SaveSettingsToStream method

ltmmCaptureCtrl.SaveStillBitmap method

ltmmCaptureCtrl_MediaEvent Event

ltmmCaptureCtrl.EstimateOutputSize method

ltmmCaptureCtrl.EstimateOutputBitRate method


ltmmCaptureInputs.NearestSelection property


ltmmConvertCtrl.CanSaveObjectSettings method

ltmmConvertCtrl.InterleaveMode property

ltmmConvertCtrl.PreferredMPEG2Splitter property

ltmmConvertCtrl.LoadSettingsFromFile method

ltmmConvertCtrl.LoadSettingsFromStream method

ltmmConvertCtrl.SaveSettingsToFile method

ltmmConvertCtrl.SaveSettingsToStream method

ltmmConvertCtrl.PauseConvert method

ltmmConvertCtrl.RunConvert method

ltmmConvertCtrl.EstimateOutputSize method

ltmmConvertCtrl.EstimateOutputBitRate method

ltmmConvertCtrl_MediaEvent Event

ltmmConvertCtrl.PreviewVisible property

ltmmConvertCtrl.Preview property

ltmmConvertCtrl.VideoWindowFrame property


ltmmMediaInfo.AudioAvgBytesPerSec property

ltmmMediaInfo.AudioBitsPerSample property

ltmmMediaInfo.AudioChannels property

ltmmMediaInfo.AudioFormatTag property

ltmmMediaInfo.AudioSamplesPerSec property

ltmmMediaInfo.Author property

ltmmMediaInfo.Copyright property

ltmmMediaInfo.CurrentStream property

ltmmMediaInfo.Description property

ltmmMediaInfo.OutputStreams property

ltmmMediaInfo.Rating property

ltmmMediaInfo.SourceBitRate property

ltmmMediaInfo.SourceDuration property

ltmmMediaInfo.SourceFile property

ltmmMediaInfo.SourceFileSize property

ltmmMediaInfo.SourceFilter property

ltmmMediaInfo.SourceFilterClassID property

ltmmMediaInfo.SourceFilterDispatch property

ltmmMediaInfo.SourceFilterName property

ltmmMediaInfo.SourceFormat property

ltmmMediaInfo.SourceFormatName property

ltmmMediaInfo.SourceMediaType property

ltmmMediaInfo.StreamDuration property

ltmmMediaInfo.StreamMediaType property

ltmmMediaInfo.StreamSubtype property

ltmmMediaInfo.StreamSubtypeName property

ltmmMediaInfo.StreamType property

ltmmMediaInfo.StreamTypeName property

ltmmMediaInfo.Title property

ltmmMediaInfo.VideoBitCount property

ltmmMediaInfo.VideoBitRate property

ltmmMediaInfo.VideoCompression property

ltmmMediaInfo.VideoFrameRate property

ltmmMediaInfo.VideoFrames property

ltmmMediaInfo.VideoHeight property

ltmmMediaInfo.VideoWidth property

ltmmMediaInfo.ResetSource method


ltmmPlayCtrl.CanSaveObjectSettings method

ltmmPlayCtrl.PreferredMPEG2Splitter property

ltmmPlayCtrl.StillTap property

ltmmPlayCtrl.LoadSettingsFromFile method

ltmmPlayCtrl.LoadSettingsFromStream method

ltmmPlayCtrl.SaveSettingsToFile method

ltmmPlayCtrl.SaveSettingsToStream method

ltmmPlayCtrl.SaveStillBitmap method

ltmmPlayCtrl_MediaEvent Event


ltmmProcessor.Type property


ltmmTargetFormat.RecommendedAudioCompressor property

ltmmTargetFormat.RecommendedVideoCompressor property

ltmmTargetFormat.Streams property

ltmmTargetFormat.IsValidCompressor method


ILTDVDBurner.AutoEject property

ILTDVDBurner.Cancel method

ILTDVDBurner.CurrentDrive property

ILTDVDBurner.CurrentSpeed property

ILTDVDBurner.DiscCapacity property

ILTDVDBurner.DiscType property

ILTDVDBurner.DriveCount property

ILTDVDBurner.Ejectable property

ILTDVDBurner.EjectDisc method

ILTDVDBurner.Erase method

ILTDVDBurner.Eraseable property

ILTDVDBurner.GetDiscTypeName method

ILTDVDBurner.GetDiscTypeWriteable method

ILTDVDBurner.GetDriveDiscType method

ILTDVDBurner.GetDriveDiscTypeCount method

ILTDVDBurner.GetDriveId method

ILTDVDBurner.GetDriveName method

ILTDVDBurner.GetProgress method

ILTDVDBurner.GetSpeedName method

ILTDVDBurner.GetSpeedValue method

ILTDVDBurner.ImageSize property

ILTDVDBurner.InputPath property

ILTDVDBurner.ISOOutputFile property

ILTDVDBurner.LastError property

ILTDVDBurner.Loadable property

ILTDVDBurner.LoadDisc method

ILTDVDBurner.RefreshDriveList method


ILTDVDBurner.SpeedCount property

ILTDVDBurner.SpeedListChanged property

ILTDVDBurner.State property

ILTDVDBurner.SystemSupported property

ILTDVDBurner.TestWrite method

ILTDVDBurner.TestWriteable property

ILTDVDBurner.VolumeName property

ILTDVDBurner.Write method

ILTDVDBurner.Writeable property


ltDvdWriter.AddMenuTitle method

ltDvdWriter.ClearTitleSet method

ltDvdWriter.GetBytesWritten method

ltDvdWriter.GetMenuTitle method

ltDvdWriter.MenulessTitlePlay property

ltDvdWriter.MenuLoop property

ltDvdWriter.MenuTitleCount property

ltDvdWriter.Overwrite property

ltDvdWriter.RemoveMenuTitle method

ltDvdWriter.TempPath property

ltDvdWriter.TitleBreak property

ltDvdWriter.TitleMenu property

ltDvdWriter.RemoveAllMenuTitles method

ltDvdWriter.Overwrite property

ltDvdWriter.TitleBreak property

ltDvdWriter.TempPath property

ltDvdWriter.ClearTitleSet method