Changes from Version 14 to Version 14.5

Version 14.5 of the LEADTOOLS Common Dialog COM objects has changed from version 14 as follows:

The rest of this topic lists the new properties in version 14.5:

JBIG2 File Saving Options

JBIG2Flags property

JBIG2ImageFlags property

JBIG2ImageGBATX1 property

JBIG2ImageGBATX2 property

JBIG2ImageGBATX3 property

JBIG2ImageGBATX4 property

JBIG2ImageGBATY1 property

JBIG2ImageGBATY2 property

JBIG2ImageGBATY3 property

JBIG2ImageGBATY4 property

JBIG2ImageQFactor property

JBIG2ImageTemplateType property

JBIG2TextDifThreshold property

JBIG2TextFlags property

JBIG2TextGBATX1 property

JBIG2TextGBATX2 property

JBIG2TextGBATX3 property

JBIG2TextGBATX4 property

JBIG2TextGBATY1 property

JBIG2TextGBATY2 property

JBIG2TextGBATY3 property

JBIG2TextGBATY4 property

JBIG2TextMaxSymArea property

JBIG2TextMaxSymHeight property

JBIG2TextMaxSymWidth property

JBIG2TextMinSymArea property

JBIG2TextMinSymHeight property

JBIG2TextMinSymWidth property

JBIG2TextQFactor property

JBIG2TextTemplateType property

JBIG2XResolution property

JBIG2YResolution property