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RequestedImageStreamedEventArgs Class
See Also  Members   Example 
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader Namespace : RequestedImageStreamedEventArgs Class

Provides data for the MedicalViewerLoader.RequestedImageStreamed event.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Class RequestedImageStreamedEventArgs 
   Inherits EventArgs
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As RequestedImageStreamedEventArgs
public class RequestedImageStreamedEventArgs : EventArgs 
public ref class RequestedImageStreamedEventArgs : public EventArgs 


Visual BasicCopy Code
Private viewer As MedicalViewer = New MedicalViewer()
<Test> _
Public Sub LoadSeries()
  Leadtools.Examples.Support.Unlock ()

  Dim clientInfo As AeInfo = New AeInfo ()

  clientInfo.Address = Dns.GetHostName ()
  clientInfo.Port = 1000
  clientInfo.AETitle = "TEST_CLIENT"

  Dim serverInfo As DicomScp = New DicomScp ()
  serverInfo.AETitle = "LEAD_SERVER"
  serverInfo.Port = 104
  serverInfo.PeerAddress = GetLocalServerAddress ()
  serverInfo.Timeout = 30

  Dim queryClient As PacsQueryClient = New PacsQueryClient (clientInfo, serverInfo)

  Dim queryResult As ClientQueryDataSet = queryClient.FindSeries (New FindQuery ())

  If queryResult.Images.Count > 0 Then
     Dim retrieveClient As PacsRetrieveClient = New PacsRetrieveClient(clientInfo, serverInfo)

     'make sure you have configured the workstation database correctly for the PacsRetrieveClient to store the images.
     retrieveClient.StoreRetrievedImages = True 'we want to store the images locally so we can view them later.

     Dim loader As MedicalViewerLoader = New MedicalViewerLoader(retrieveClient, viewer)

     loader.Layout.Auto = True
     loader.LazyLoading = True 'this will cause to load the images for displayed sub-cells only
     loader.ViewerPreLoadedImages = 1 'this will allow to load 1 image after and before the displayed sub-cell for fast scrolling.

     loader.MixedSeriesCellDisplay = DisplayMode.MultiFrameCell Or DisplayMode.SingleFrameCell 'create cells for images with multi-frames and single frames

     AddHandler loader.ProgressState, AddressOf loader_ProgressState
             AddHandler loader.RequestedImageStreamed, AddressOf loader_RequestedImageStreamed
     If loader.LoadSeries (queryResult.Images (0).StudyInstanceUID, queryResult.Images (0).SeriesInstanceUID) Then
       Console.WriteLine ("Number of viewer cells: {0}", viewer.Cells.Count)

       For Each cell As MedicalViewerCell In loader.SeriesCells
         Console.WriteLine ("Cell #{0} has an image with SOPInstanceUID={1}", viewer.Cells.IndexOf (cell), loader.FindDisplayedCellSOPInstanceUID (cell, 0))
       Next cell
     End If

     loader.Close ()
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub loader_RequestedImageStreamed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RequestedImageStreamedEventArgs)
  Console.WriteLine ("Image streamer for cell {0}, sub-cell {1}", viewer.Cells.IndexOf (e.Cell), e.SubCellIndex)
End Sub

Private Sub loader_ProgressState(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ProgressEventArgs)
  Console.WriteLine (e.Message)
End Sub

Public Function GetLocalServerAddress() As IPAddress
  Dim addresses As IPAddress()

  'you can use any IP address which a DICOM server is listning to.
  addresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses (Dns.GetHostName ())

  For Each address As IPAddress In addresses
     If address.AddressFamily = System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork Then
       Return address
     End If
  Next address

  Throw New InvalidOperationException ("No IP Address V4 found for this machine.")
End Function
C#Copy Code
MedicalViewer viewer = new MedicalViewer(); 
public void LoadSeries ( )  

   Leadtools.Examples.Support.Unlock ( ) ; 
   AeInfo clientInfo = new AeInfo ( ) ; 
   clientInfo.Address = Dns.GetHostName () ; 
   clientInfo.Port = 1000 ; 
   clientInfo.AETitle = "TEST_CLIENT" ; 
   DicomScp serverInfo = new DicomScp ( ) ; 
   serverInfo.AETitle = "LEAD_SERVER" ; 
   serverInfo.Port = 104 ; 
   serverInfo.PeerAddress = GetLocalServerAddress ()  ; 
   serverInfo.Timeout = 30 ; 
   PacsQueryClient queryClient = new PacsQueryClient ( clientInfo, serverInfo ) ; 
   ClientQueryDataSet queryResult =  queryClient.FindSeries ( new FindQuery ( ) ) ; 
   if ( queryResult.Images.Count > 0 )  
      PacsRetrieveClient retrieveClient = new PacsRetrieveClient(clientInfo, serverInfo); 
      //make sure you have configured the workstation database correctly for the PacsRetrieveClient to store the images. 
      retrieveClient.StoreRetrievedImages = true ; //we want to store the images locally so we can view them later. 
      MedicalViewerLoader loader = new MedicalViewerLoader(retrieveClient, viewer); 
      loader.Layout.Auto = true ; 
      loader.LazyLoading = true ; //this will cause to load the images for displayed sub-cells only 
      loader.ViewerPreLoadedImages = 1; //this will allow to load 1 image after and before the displayed sub-cell for fast scrolling. 
      loader.MixedSeriesCellDisplay = DisplayMode.MultiFrameCell | DisplayMode.SingleFrameCell ; //create cells for images with multi-frames and single frames 
      loader.ProgressState += new ProgressEventHandler(loader_ProgressState); 
      loader.RequestedImageStreamed += new EventHandler<RequestedImageStreamedEventArgs>(loader_RequestedImageStreamed); 
      if ( loader.LoadSeries ( queryResult.Images [ 0 ].StudyInstanceUID, queryResult.Images [ 0 ].SeriesInstanceUID ) )  
         Console.WriteLine ( "Number of viewer cells: {0}",  viewer.Cells.Count ) ; 
         foreach ( MedicalViewerCell cell in loader.SeriesCells )  
            Console.WriteLine ( "Cell #{0} has an image with SOPInstanceUID={1}", viewer.Cells.IndexOf ( cell ), loader.FindDisplayedCellSOPInstanceUID ( cell, 0 ) ) ; 
      loader.Close ( ) ; 

void loader_RequestedImageStreamed(object sender, RequestedImageStreamedEventArgs e) 

   Console.WriteLine ( "Image streamer for cell {0}, sub-cell {1}", viewer.Cells.IndexOf ( e.Cell ), e.SubCellIndex )  ; 

void loader_ProgressState(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e) 

   Console.WriteLine ( e.Message ) ; 

public IPAddress GetLocalServerAddress ()   

   IPAddress [ ] addresses ; 
   //you can use any IP address which a DICOM server is listning to. 
   addresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses ( Dns.GetHostName ( ) ) ; 
   foreach ( IPAddress address in addresses )  
      if ( address.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork )  
         return address ; 
   throw new InvalidOperationException ( "No IP Address V4 found for this machine." ) ; 

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Loader requires a Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features