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WiaExceptionCode Enumeration
See Also  
Leadtools.Wia Namespace : WiaExceptionCode Enumeration

Used as a value for WiaException.Code property.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum WiaExceptionCode 
   Inherits Enum
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As WiaExceptionCode
public enum WiaExceptionCode : Enum 
public enum class WiaExceptionCode : public Enum 


GeneralError An unknown error has occurred with the Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) device.
PaperJam Paper is jammed in the scanner's document feeder.
PaperEmpty The user requested a scan and there are no documents left in the document feeder.
PaperProblem An unspecified problem occurred with the scanner's document feeder.
Offline The WIA device is not online.
Busy The WIA device is busy.
WarmingUp The WIA device is warming up.
UserIntervention An unspecified error has occurred with the WIA device that requires user intervention. The user should ensure that the device is turned on, online, and any cables are properly connected.
ItemDeleted The WIA device was deleted. It can no longer be accessed.
DeviceCommunication An unspecified error occurred during an attempted communication with the WIA device.
InvalidCommand The device does not support this command.
IncorrectHardwareSetting There is an incorrect setting on the WIA device.
Locked The scanner head is locked.
ExceptionInDriver The device driver threw an exception.
InvalidDriverResponse The response from the driver is invalid.
CoverOpen No Description available.
LampOff No Description available.
Destination No Description available.
NetwrokReservationFailed No Description available.
NoDeviceAvailable There are no WIA hardware devices that match the given specifications.
NoDeviceSelected There is no device currently selected.
InvalidStreamingVideoDevice Selected device does not support streaming video.
VideoStreamNotInitialized WIA video stream not initialized.
AccessDenied Access denied.
NoItemsAvailable No child items available.
UnknownError Unknown WIA error occurred.
InvalidWiaVersion Invalid WIA Version.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also