PNG File Comments

PNG has MMX optimized code for load/save and supports comments as well. The following comments are supported:

Value Meaning

CMNT_SZARTIST [0] Person who created the image.

CMNT_SZCOPYRIGHT [1] Copyright notice.

CMNT_SZDATETIME [2] Date and time (YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS). The field length is 20, counting the NULL terminator.

CMNT_SZDESC [3] Description of the image.

CMNT_SZMAKE [5] Manufacturer of the equipment used to create the image.

CMNT_SZTITLE [175] Title of the image.

CMNT_SZSOFTWARE [9] Name and version of software package used to create the image.

CMNT_SZDISCLAIMER [176] String containing the disclaimer of the software used to create the image.

CMNT_SZWARNING [177] Warning statement associated with the software that created the image.

CMNT_MISC [178] Miscellaneous information.