AnnGetAutoMenuItemEnable method (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Syntax short AnnGetAutoMenuItemEnable (OLE_HANDLE hObject, short iType, short iItem);

Overview:  Refer to Implementing Annotations.


(Document/Medical only) Returns a value that indicates whether the specified menu item is enabled or disabled.

If for the specified object, the menu item’s enable state is ANNMENU_DEFAULT, the method determines whether the enable state has been set for objects of the specified type. If the enable state for objects of the specified type is also ANNMENU_DEFAULT, the method determines whether the enable state has been set for ANNOBJECT_ALL. If this is also ANNMENU_DEFAULT, the method determines whether the menu item text is NULL or not NULL. If it is NULL, the method returns ANNMENU_DISABLE. If the menu item is not NULL, the method returns ANNMENU_ENABLE.

See Also

Elements:  AnnSetAutoMenuItemEnable, AnnAutoMenuEnable property

Topics:  Annotations (Document/Medicalonly): Automation