AnnSetPredefinedMetafile method (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Syntax short AnnSetPredefinedMetafile(short nType, OLE_HANDLE hMetafile);

Overview:  Refer to Implementing Annotations.


(Document/Medical only) Changes a predefined metafile.

This method affects the rubber stamp objects, the hotspot objects and the freehand hotspot objects, created by the automation object. For example, if you replace the ANNMETAFILE_APPROVED default metafile with another metafile, then objects created by the automation mode when the ANNTOOL_STAMP_APPROVED tool is set will look like the new metafile.

A predefined metafile can be reset to it’s original metafile by passing NULL for hMetafile. For example, to reset the Hotspot and freehand hotspot predefined metafiles to the original value, you would do the following:

AnnSetPredefinedMetafile(ANNMETAFILE_HOTSPOT, 0);

See Also

Elements:  AnnGetPredefinedMetafile method, AnnGetMetafile method, AnnSetMetafile method

Topics:  Annotations (Document/Medical only): Object Manipulation