Using a Visual Basic Data Control

In Visual Basic, the LEAD control is a data bound control. This means you can associate the LEAD control with a data control so that the LEAD control's bitmap is bound to a specified field in the data control's recordset.

Note: This way of accessing a database works only in Visual Basic. You can use ODBC as an alternative in Visual Basic and other development systems. Refer to Managing Images in a Database.

Use the following properties to specify the data control and field to which the LEAD control is bound:

DataSource property

DataField property

Use the following properties to specify how images are stored in the data field:

DataSaveBits property

DataSaveFormat property

DataSaveQuality property

Use the following property to specify the bits per pixel of the bitmap in memory:

DataLoadBits property

Use the following property to see whether the bitmap is current with the database field:

DataChanged property